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There are 2585 taxa reported for South Florida.

Group By Family:
Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                

Scientific Name: Common Name: Native Status:
Cabomba caroliniana Carolina fanwort Native
Cabomba haynesii Fish-grass Not Native, Naturalized
Caesalpinia bonduc Gray nicker-bean Native
Caesalpinia crista Yellow nicker Not Native, Naturalized
Caesalpinia major Yellow nicker-bean Native
Caesalpinia pauciflora Fewflower holdback Native
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Pride-of-barbados, Dwarf poinciana Not Native, Cultivated Only
Caesalpinia vesicaria Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cajanus cajan Pigeonpea Not Native, Naturalized
Cakile lanceolata Coastal searocket Native
Calamintha ashei Ashe’s calamint Native
Calliandra haematocephala Powderpuff tree Not Native, Naturalized
Callicarpa americana American beautyberry Native
Callisia cordifolia Florida roseling Native
Callisia fragrans Basketplant Not Native, Naturalized
Callisia navicularis Chain plant Not Native, Cultivated Only
Callisia ornata Florida scrub roseling Native
Callisia repens Basket plant, Creeping inchplant Not Native, Naturalized
Callitriche peploides Matted waterstarwort Native
Calophyllum antillanum Santa Maria, Galba Not Native, Naturalized
Calophyllum inophyllum Beautyleaf, Alexandrian laurel Not Native, Naturalized
Calopogon barbatus Bearded grasspink Native
Calopogon multiflorus Manyflowered grasspink Native
Calopogon pallidus Pale grasspink Native
Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus Tuberous grasspink Native
Calopogon tuberosus var. simpsonii Simpson’s grasspink Native
Calotropis procera Giant milkweed Not Native, Cultivated Only
Calyptocarpus vialis Straggler-daisy Not Native, Naturalized
Calyptranthes pallens Spicewood, Pale lidflower Native
Calyptranthes zuzygium Myrtle-of-the-river Native
Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophila Hedge bindweed, Hedge false bindweed Native
Camaridium micranthum Purple tiger orchid, mini-max Native
Campanula floridana Florida bellflower Native
Campsis radicans Trumpet vine, Trumpet creeper Native
Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum Leafless bentspur orchid Native
Campyloneurum angustifolium Narrow strap fern, Narrow-leaved strap fern Native
Campyloneurum costatum Tailed strap fern Native
Campyloneurum phyllitidis Long strap fern Native
Cananga odorata Ilang-ilang Not Native, Cultivated Only
Canavalia brasiliensis Brazilian jackbean Not Native, Naturalized
Canavalia ensiformis Sword bean, Wonderbean Not Native, Naturalized
Canavalia rosea Beach-bean, Baybean, Seaside jackbean Native
Canella winterana Cinnamon bark, Pepper cinnamon Native
Canna flaccida Golden canna, Bandana-of-the-everglades Native
Canna indica Indian shot Not Native, Naturalized
Canna x generalis Garden canna Not Native, Naturalized
Cannabis sativa Marijuana, Hemp Not Native, Naturalized
Caperonia castaneifolia Chestnutleaf Falsecroton Native
Caperonia palustris Sacatrapo Not Native, Naturalized
Capraria biflora Goatweed Native
Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's purse Not Native, Naturalized
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum Bird pepper, Cayenne pepper Native
Capsicum frutescens Tabasco pepper Assumed to be Native
Cardamine pensylvanica Pennsylvania bittercress Native
Cardiospermum corindum var. corindum Balloonvine, Heartseed Native
Cardiospermum halicacabum var. halicacabum Balloonvine, Love-in-a-puff
Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum Balloonvine, Heartseed Native
Carex comosa Longhair sedge Native
Carex gigantea Giant sedge Native
Carex godfreyi Godfrey's sedge Native
Carex longii Long's sedge Native
Carex lupuliformis Hop sedge Native
Carex verrucosa Warty sedge Native
Carex vexans Florida hammock sedge Native
Carica papaya Papaya Native
Carissa macrocarpa Natal-plum Not Native, Naturalized
Carlowrightia texana Texas Wrightwort Not Native, Naturalized
Carphephorus carnosus Pineland chaffhead, Pineland deertongue Native
Carphephorus corymbosus Florida paintbrush, Coastalplain chaffhead Native
Carphephorus odoratissimus var. subtropicanus Pineland purple, False vanillaleaf Native
Carphephorus paniculatus Hairy chaffhead Native
Carpobrotus edulis Common hottentot-fig Not Native, Naturalized
Carya aquatica Water hickory Native
Carya floridana Scrub hickory Native
Carya glabra Pignut hickory Native
Carya illinoinensis Pecan Not Native, Cultivated Only
Caryota mitis Burmese fishtail palm Not Native, Naturalized
Caryota urens Wine palm, Jaggery palm Not Native, Naturalized
Casasia clusiifolia Sevenyear-apple Native
Casearia nitida Smooth Casearia Not Native, Naturalized
Cassia fistula Golden shower Not Native, Naturalized
Cassia javanica var. indochinensis Pink shower Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cassytha filiformis Lovevine, Devil’s gut Native
Casuarina cunninghamiana Beefwood, River sheoak Not Native, Naturalized
Casuarina equisetifolia Australian-pine, Horsetail casuarina Not Native, Naturalized
Casuarina glauca Suckering Australian-pine, Gray sheoak Not Native, Naturalized
Catesbaea parviflora Smallflower lilythorn Native
Catharanthus roseus Madagascar-periwinkle Not Native, Naturalized
Catopsis berteroniana Powdery strap airplant Native
Catopsis floribunda Florida strap airplant Native
Catopsis nutans Nodding strap airplant Native
Cayaponia americana American melonleaf Native
Cecropia palmata Snakewood tree Not Native, Naturalized
Ceiba pentandra Kapok-tree, White silk-cotton-tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ceiba speciosa Floss-silk tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Celastrus paniculatus Bittersweet, Staff-vine Not Native, Naturalized
Celosia nitida West Indian cock’s comb Native
Celtis iguanaea Iguana hackberry Native
Celtis laevigata Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry Native
Celtis pallida Spiny hackberry, Desert hackberry Native
Cenchrus brownii Slimbristle sandbur Native
Cenchrus ciliaris Buffelgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Cenchrus echinatus Southern sandbur Native
Cenchrus gracillimus Slender sandbur Native
Cenchrus incertus Coastal sandbur Native
Cenchrus myosuroides Big sandbur Native
Cenchrus tribuloides Sanddune sandbur Native
Centella asiatica Coinwort, Spadeleaf Native
Centratherum punctatum Larkdaisy Not Native, Naturalized
Centrosema virginianum Spurred butterfly-pea Native
Cephalanthus occidentalis Common buttonbush Native
Ceratiola ericoides Florida rosemary, Sand heath Native
Ceratonia siliqua Carob, Locust bean, St. John's bread Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ceratophyllum australe Prickly hornwort Native
Ceratophyllum demersum Hornwort, Coontail Native
Ceratopteris pteridoides Water horn fern Native
Ceratopteris thalictroides Watersprite Not Native, Naturalized
Cereus repandus Bishop cactus, Peruvian apple cactus Not Native, Naturalized
Cestrum diurnum Dayflowering jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Cestrum nocturnum Nightflowering jessamine Not Native, Naturalized
Chaerophyllum tainturieri Wild chervil, Hairyfruit chervil Native
Chamaecrista deeringiana Deering partridge pea Native
Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea Native
Chamaecrista lineata var. keyensis Keys partridge-pea, Narrowpod sensitive pea Native
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera Hairy sensitive-pea, Hairy partridge-pea Native
Chamaecrista nictitans var. nictitans Sensitive-pea Native
Chamaecrista pilosa Hairy sensitive pea Not Native, Naturalized
Chamaedorea seifrizii Bamboo palm Not Native, Naturalized
Chamaerops humilis European fan palm Not Native, Cultivated Only
Chapmannia floridana Alicia Native
Chaptalia albicans White sunbonnets Native
Chaptalia tomentosa Woolly sunbonnets, Pineland daisy Native
Chasmanthium laxum var. laxum Spike chasmanthium, Slender woodoats Native
Chasmanthium nitidum Shiny woodoats Native
Cheilanthes microphylla Southern lip fern Native
Cheilocostus speciosus Crepe-ginger, Wild-ginger Not Native, Cultivated Only
Chenopodium album Lamb's-quarters Not Native, Naturalized
Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea Not Native, Naturalized
Chenopodium berlandieri Pitseed goosefoot Not Native, Naturalized
Chenopodium glaucum Oakleaf goosefoot Not Native, Naturalized
Chenopodium murale Nettleleaf goosefoot Not Native, Naturalized
Chiococca alba Common snowberry, Milkberry Native
Chiococca parvifolia Small-leaved snowberry Native
Chiococca pinetorum Pineland snowberry Native
Chloris barbata Swollen fingergrass Not Native, Naturalized
Chloris elata Tall windmillgrass Native
Chloris radiata Radiate Finger Grass Not Native, Naturalized
Chlorophytum comosum Spider-ivy, Spider plant Not Native, Cultivated Only
Chromolaena frustrata Cape Sable thoroughwort Native
Chromolaena odorata Jack-in-the-bush Native
Chrysobalanus icaco Coco-plum Native
Chrysophyllum cainito Starapple, Caimito Not Native, Naturalized
Chrysophyllum oliviforme Satinleaf Native
Chrysopogon pauciflorus Florida false beardgrass Native
Chrysopsis highlandsensis Highlands goldenaster Native
Chrysopsis linearifolia subsp. dressii Dress goldenaster Native
Chrysopsis mariana Mariana goldenaster Native
Chrysopsis scabrella Coastalplain goldenaster Native
Chrysopsis subulata Scrubland goldenaster Native
Cicuta maculata Spotted water-hemlock Native
Cienfuegosia yucatanensis Yucatan flymallow Native
Cinnamomum camphora Camphortree Not Native, Naturalized
Cirsium horridulum Purple thistle Native
Cirsium nuttallii Nuttall's thistle Native
Cissampelos pareira Pareira brava Native
Cissus quadrangula Veldt-grape Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cissus trifoliata Marinevine, Sorrelvine Native
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata Possum-grape, Seasonvine Native
Citharexylum spinosum Florida fiddlewood Native
Citrullus lanatus Watermelon, Citron Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus medica Citron Not Native, Cultivated Only
Citrus reticulata Tangerine Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus sinensis Sweet orange Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x aurantiifolia Key lime Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x aurantium Sour orange Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x jambhiri Rough lemon Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x limon Lemon Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x limonia Mandarin lime, Rangpur lime Not Native, Naturalized
Citrus x paradisi Grapefruit Not Native, Naturalized
Cladium jamaicense Saw-grass, Jamaica swamp sawgrass Native
Clematis baldwinii Pine-hyacinth Native
Cleome rutidosperma Fringed spider flower Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum bungei Rose glorybower Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum chinense Stickbush Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum glabrum Natal glorybower Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum indicum Turk's-turban, Skyrocket Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum kaempferi Kaempfer's glorybower Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum quadriloculare Starburst Bush, Shooting star Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum speciosissimum Javanese glorybower Not Native, Naturalized
Clerodendrum x speciosum Pagoda flower Not Native, Naturalized
Clinopodium brownei Browne’s savory Native
Clitoria mariana Butterfly pea, Atlantic pigeonwings Native
Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea Asian pigeonwings Not Native, Naturalized
Clusia flava Not Native, Cultivated Only
Clusia rosea Pitch-apple NR
Cnidoscolus chayamansa Chaya Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cnidoscolus stimulosus Tread-softly, Finger-rot, 7-minute-itch Native
Coccinia grandis Ivy gourd, Scarletfruit ivy gourd Not Native, Naturalized
Coccoloba diversifolia Pigeonplum, Tietongue Native
Coccoloba uvifera Seagrape Native
Coccoloba x hybrida Seaplum Native
Coccothrinax argentata Florida silver palm Native
Coccothrinax barbadensis Puerto Rico silver palm Not Native, Naturalized
Coccothrinax miraguama Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cocculus laurifolius Snail seed, Carolina coralbead Not Native, Naturalized
Cocos nucifera Coconut palm Not Native, Naturalized
Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum Garden-croton Not Native, Cultivated Only
Coelorachis cylindrica Carolina jointtail grass Native
Coelorachis rugosa Wrinkled jointtail grass Native
Coelorachis tuberculosa Florida jointtail grass Native
Cojoba graciliflora Guadeloupe blackbead Not Native, Naturalized
Cola cordifolia Cola tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Colocasia esculenta Wild taro, Dasheen, Coco-yam Not Native, Naturalized
Colubrina arborescens Coffee colubrina, Greenheart Native
Colubrina asiatica Latherleaf, Asian nakedwood Not Native, Naturalized
Colubrina cubensis var. floridana Florida snake-bark, Cuban nakedwood Native
Colubrina elliptica Nakedwood, Soldierwood Native
Combretum indicum Rangoon creeper Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina caroliniana Carolina dayflower Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina diffusa var. diffusa Common dayflower Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina diffusa var. gigas Climbing dayflower Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina erecta Whitemouth dayflower Native
Commelina forskaolii Rat's ear Not Native, Naturalized
Commelina gambiae Gambian dayflower Not Native, Naturalized
Conobea multifida Narrowleaf paleseed Not Native, Naturalized
Conocarpus erectus Buttonwood Native
Conoclinium coelestinum Blue mistflower Native
Conradina grandiflora Largeflower false-rosemary Native
Consolea corallicola Semaphore pricklypear Native
Conyza canadensis Dwarf Canadian horseweed Native
Conyza laevigata Manzanilla horseweed Not Native, Naturalized
Corallorhiza wisteriana Spring Coralroot Native
Corchorus aestuans Jute Doubtfully Native
Corchorus hirsutus Jackswitch, Woolly Corchorus, Cadillo Not Native, Naturalized
Corchorus hirtus Red jute Native
Corchorus siliquosus Slippery burr Native
Cordia boissieri White geiger, Texas olive Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cordia dichotoma Fragrant manjack Not Native, Naturalized
Cordia myxa Assyrian-plum, Selu Not Native, Naturalized
Cordia sebestena Orange geigertree, Largeleaf geigertree Native
Cordyline fruticosa Tiplant Not Native, Cultivated Only
Coreopsis floridana Florida tickseed Native
Coreopsis leavenworthii Leavenworth’s tickseed Native
Cornus foemina Stiff cornel, Swamp dogwood, Stiff dogwood Native
Cornutia grandifolia Azulejo Not Native, Naturalized
Coronilla varia Purple crownvetch Not Native, Naturalized
Cortaderia selloana Pampas grass Not Native, Naturalized
Cosmos bipinnatus Garden cosmos Not Native, Naturalized
Cosmos caudatus Wild cosmos Not Native, Naturalized
Costus spicatus Spiral flag Not Native, Naturalized
Cranichis muscosa Moss orchid, Cypressknee helmet orchid Native
Crassocephalum crepidioides Thickhead, Redflower ragleaf Not Native, Naturalized
Crataegus crus-galli Cockspur haw, Cockspur hawthorn Not Native, Cultivated Only
Crescentia cujete Black calabash Not Native, Cultivated Only
Crinum americanum Swamp-lily, Seven-sisters, String-lily Native
Crinum asiaticum Poison bulb Not Native, Naturalized
Crinum bulbispermum Milk-and-wine lily, Hardy swamplily Not Native, Naturalized
Crinum zeylanicum Ceylon swamplily, Milk-and-wine-lily Not Native, Cultivated Only
Crocanthemum corymbosum Pinebarren frostweed Native
Crocanthemum nashii Florida scrub frostweed Native
Crossopetalum ilicifolium Quailberry, Christmasberry Native
Crossopetalum rhacoma Rhacoma, Maidenberry Native
Crotalaria incana Shakeshake Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria lanceolata Lanceleaf rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata Smooth rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria pumila Low rattlebox Native
Crotalaria retusa Rattleweed Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria rotundifolia Rabbitbells Native
Crotalaria spectabilis Showy rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria trichotoma West Indian rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Crotalaria verrucosa Blue rattlebox Not Native, Naturalized
Croton glandulosus var. floridanus Florida vente conmigo Native
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis Vente conmigo Native
Croton humilis Pepperbush Native
Croton linearis Pineland croton, Grannybush Native
Croton michauxii Rushfoil, Michaux’s croton Native
Croton punctatus Beach-tea, Gulf croton Native
Cryptostegia grandiflora Palay rubbervine Not Native, Naturalized
Cryptostegia madagascariensis Madagascar rubbervine Not Native, Naturalized
Ctenitis sloanei Florida tree fern, Red-hair comb fern Native
Ctenitis submarginalis Brown-hair comb fern Native
Ctenium aromaticum Toothache grass Native
Cucumis melo Dudaim melon, Cantalope Not Native, Naturalized
Cucumis sativus Cucumber Not Native, Naturalized
Cucurbita moschata Seminole pumpkin, Crookneck squash Not Native, Naturalized
Cucurbita okeechobeensis subsp. okeechobeensis Okeechobee gourd Native
Cucurbita pepo Field pumpkin Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cupania glabra American toadwood Native
Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrotwood Not Native, Naturalized
Cuphea carthagenensis Colombian waxweed Not Native, Naturalized
Cuphea hyssopifolia Mexican heather, False heather Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cuphea strigulosa Stiffhair waxweed Not Native, Naturalized
Cuscuta americana American dodder Native
Cuscuta boldinghii Boldingh's dodder Native
Cuscuta compacta Compact dodder Native
Cuscuta exaltata Tall dodder Native
Cuscuta gronovii Scaldweed Native
Cuscuta indecora Bigseed alfalfa dodder Native
Cuscuta obtusiflora var. glandulosa Glandular dodder Native
Cuscuta pentagona Fiveangled dodder Native
Cuscuta umbellata Flatglobe dodder Native
Cyanthillium cinereum Little ironweed Not Native, Naturalized
Cycas circinalis Sago-palm, Queen sago Not Native, Naturalized
Cycas revoluta Sago-palm, Japanese sago-palm Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cyclopogon cranichoides Cranichis lady's-tresses Native
Cyclopogon elatus Tall neottia, Tall lady’s-tresses Native
Cyclospermum leptophyllum Marsh parsley Not Native, Naturalized
Cymbopogon citratus Lemongrass Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon Bermuda grass Not Native, Naturalized
Cynodon nlemfuensis African bermudagrass Not Native, Naturalized
Cynoglossum zeylanicum Wild comfrey, Ceylon hound's tongue Not Native, Naturalized
Cynophalla flexuosa Limber caper, Bayleaf capertree Native
Cyperus articulatus Jointed flatsedge Native
Cyperus blepharoleptos Cuban bulrush Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus compressus Poorland flatsedge Native
Cyperus croceus Baldwin’s flatsedge Native
Cyperus cuspidatus Coastalplain flatsedge Native
Cyperus difformis Variable flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus distans Piedmont flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus distinctus Swamp flatsedge Native
Cyperus elegans Royal flatsedge Native
Cyperus erythrorhizos Redroot flatsedge Native
Cyperus esculentus Yellow nut-grass, Chufa flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus filiculmis Wiry flatsedge Native
Cyperus flavescens Yellow flatsedge Native
Cyperus floridanus Florida flatsedge Native
Cyperus fuligineus Limestone flatsedge Native
Cyperus giganteus Giant flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus haspan Haspan flatsedge Native
Cyperus involucratus Umbrella plant Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus iria Ricefield flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus lanceolatus Epiphytic flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus lecontei Leconte's flatsedge Native
Cyperus lentiginosus Latin American flatsedge Native
Cyperus ligularis Swamp flatsedge Native
Cyperus ochraceus Pond flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus odoratus Fragrant flatsedge Native
Cyperus ovatus Pinebarren flatsedge Native
Cyperus papyrus Papyrus flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus planifolius Flatleaf flatsedge Native
Cyperus polystachyos Manyspike flatsedge Native
Cyperus prolifer Miniature flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus pumilus Low flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus rotundus Nut-grass Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus sphacelatus Road-side flatsedge Not Native, Naturalized
Cyperus squarrosus Bearded flatsedge Native
Cyperus strigosus Strawcolored flatsedge Native
Cyperus surinamensis Tropical flatsedge Native
Cyperus tetragonus Fourangle flatsedge Native
Cypselea humifusa Panal Not Native, Naturalized
Cyrtomium falcatum Japanese netvein holly fern Not Native, Cultivated Only
Cyrtopodium flavum Parana cowhorn orchid;Yellow cowhorn orchid Not Native, Naturalized
Cyrtopodium punctatum Cowhorn orchid, Cigar orchid Native