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Hay 3559 Tipos de Plantas en esta Base de Datos/
There are 3559 Kinds of Plants in this Database

Agrupar por Familia/
Group by Family:

Índice/Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nombre científico/
Scientific name:
Nombre común/Common name: Estatus Nativo/
Native Status:
Najas guadalupensis Southern waternymph Native
Najas marina Spiny naiad Native
Nama jamaicensis Jamaican weed Native
Napoleonaea imperialis Not Native, Cultivated Only
Nashia inaguensis Native
Nasturtium officinale Berro / Water cress Not Native, Naturalized
Nectandra coriacea Avispillo, Cigua, Laurel, Laurel cigua Native
Nectandra hihua Aguacatillo, Geo rojo, Laurel bobo / Beadsteadwood tree, Shinglewood Native
Nectandra krugii Laurel canelón Native
Nectandra membranacea Laurel prieto, Laurelillo Native
Nectandra patens Laurel geo colorado, Laurel roseta Native
Nectandra turbacensis Laurel amarillo, Laurel blanco, Laurel macho Native
Neea buxifolia Nía Native
Nelsonia canescens Blue pussyleaf Not Native, Naturalized
Neolamarckia cadamba Kadam / Kadam Not Native, Naturalized
Neomarica northiana Not Native, Cultivated Only
Neorudolphia volubilis Bejuco colorado, Bejuco prieto, Bejuco de alambre Native
Nephrolepis biserrata Helecho de cola de pescado / Fishtail fern, Giant sword fern Native
Nephrolepis brownii Asian sword fern Not Native, Naturalized
Nephrolepis cordifolia Helecho rizado gigante / Erect sword fern, Tuber sword fern, Tuberous sword fern Not Native, Naturalized
Nephrolepis exaltata Helecho Boston, Helecho espada / Boston fern, Sword fern Native
Nephrolepis falcata forma furcans Not Native, Naturalized
Nephrolepis laurifolia Not Native, Cultivated Only
Nephrolepis rivularis Native
Nephrolepis undulata Annual swordfern
Nepsera aquatica Altea, Altea amarilla, Camasey de ciénaga, Camasey enano Native
Neptunia oleracea Garden puff Native
Neptunia plena Desmanto amarillo / Water neptunia Native
Nerium oleander Adelfa, Alhelí, Alhefí extranjero, Laurel rosado / Oleander Not Native, Cultivated Only
Neurolaena lobata Sepí Native
Nicotiana tabacum Tabaco / Tobacco Not Native, Cultivated Only
Nidema ottonis Fairy orchid Native
Niphidium crassifolium Calaguala, Polipodio Native
Notholaena trichomanoides Rockslope cloak fern Native
Notopleura guadalupensis subsp. grosourdyeana Native
Notopleura guadalupensis subsp. guadalupensis Guadalupe wild coffee Native
Notopleura uliginosa Tres cabezas Native
Nymphaea amazonum Yerba de hicotea Native
Nymphaea ampla Calderón, Flor de agua Native
Nymphaea caerulea Not Native, Naturalized
Nymphaea conardii Roundleaf waterlily Native
Nymphaea odorata Lirio de agua, Ninfa / Water lily Native
Nymphaea pulchella Dotleaf waterlily Native
Nymphaea rudgeana
Nymphoides indica Trébol de agua / Water snowflake Native