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Hay 3559 Tipos de Plantas en esta Base de Datos/
There are 3559 Kinds of Plants in this Database

Agrupar por Familia/
Group by Family:

Índice/Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Nombre cientfico/
Scientific name:
Nombre común/Common name: Estatus Nativo/
Native Status:
Radiovittaria remota Purplestem shoestring fern Native
Rajania cordata var. cordata Bejuco de guaraguao, Guáyaro, Ñame gulembo, Ñame de la India / Wild yam Native
Rajania cordata var. cymulifera Native
Randia aculeata Escambrón, Palo de cotorra, Palo de navidad, Sota-caballo, Tintillo / Boxbrier, Cabai nacte, Christmastree, Inkberry Native
Randia portoricensis Uvillo / Puerto Rico indigoberry Native
Ranunculus recurvatus var. tropicus Blisterwort Native
Raphanus sativus Rábano / Radish Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rauvolfia nitida Cachimbo, Muñeco, Palo amargo, Palo de muñeca, Palo de muñeco / Bitter-ash, Milkbush Native
Rauvolfia viridis Bitter bush Native
Rauvolfia vomitoria Poison devil's-pepper Not Native, Naturalized
Ravenala madagascariensis Árbol de viajero, Palma de viajero / Traveler's palm Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ravenia urbanii Tortugo prieto Native
Remirea maritima Junco de playa / Beach sedge Native
Renealmia alpinia Bihao, Bijao, Jengibre de jardín Native
Renealmia aromatica Bihao, Bijao, Narciso Native
Renealmia jamaicensis var. puberula Narciso colorado Native
Reynosia krugii Krug’s darlingplum Native
Reynosia uncinata Cascarroya, Chicharrón Native
Reynosia vivesiana Cascarroya, Guamá Native
Rhabdadenia biflora Bejuco negro / Mangrove vine Native
Rhapis excelsa Palma flagelada / Lady palm Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rhexia cubensis Camasey mariana / West Indian meadow beauty, West Indies meadow beauty Native
Rhipsalis baccifera Barbas de palo, Pega-palo / Mistletoe cactus, String cactus Native
Rhizophora mangle Mangle, Mangle colorado, Mangle de chifle, Mangle zapatero / Mangrove, Red Mangrove Native
Rhynchosia caribaea Caribbean snoutbean Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rhynchosia minima Frijolillo, Habilla Native
Rhynchosia phaseoloides Bejuco de paloma, Frijolillo colorado, Peonía Native
Rhynchosia reticulata Frijolillo, Habilla Native
Rhynchospora alba White beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora berteroi Fairy beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora brachychaeta West Indian beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora ciliata Botoncillo, Coquí blanco, Yerba de estrella / Stargrass Native
Rhynchospora colorata Starrush whitetop Native
Rhynchospora contracta Tropical beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora corymbosa Junco pico / Beakedrush, Beardedrush Native
Rhynchospora depressirostris Native
Rhynchospora divaricata Hairy beaksedge
Rhynchospora divergens Spreading beaksedge
Rhynchospora domingensis Longleaf beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. distans Fascicled beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularis Fascicled beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora filiformis Bird beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora galeana Shortbristle beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora gigantea Giant beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora holoschoenoides Fly beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora jamaicensis Jamaican beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora lindeniana Bahama beakrush, Bahama beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora marisculus Caribbean beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora microcarpa Southern beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora miliacea Millet beaksedge
Rhynchospora nitens Shortbeak beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora odorata Fragrant beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora plumosa Plumed beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora pusilla Fairy beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora racemosa Racemed beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora radicans subsp. microcephala Tropical whitetop Native
Rhynchospora rariflora Fewflower beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora recognita Globe beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora rugosa Claybank beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora tenerrima Soldier beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora uniflora Oneflower beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora velutina Red beaksedge Native
Rhynchospora wrightiana Wright's beaksedge Native
Rhytidophyllum auriculatum Tabacón, Tibey amarillo Native
Richardia scabra Rough Mexican clover Native
Ricinus communis Higuereta, Ricino / Castorbean, Castor-oil plant Not Native, Naturalized
Rivina humilis Carmín / Cat's blood Native
Rochefortia acanthophora Juso Native
Rochefortia spinosa Espino Native
Rolandra fruticosa Yerba de plata Native
Rollinia mucosa Anón cimarrón / Wild sweet sop Native
Rondeletia inermis Cordobancillo Native
Rondeletia pilosa Cachimbo peludo, Lechechillo Native
Rondeletia portoricensis Juan Tomás Native
Rorippa dubia Variableleaf yellowcress Not Native, Naturalized
Rorippa palustris Hispid yellowcress Not Native, Naturalized
Rorippa portoricensis Berro cimmarón, Mastuerzo amarillo / Yellow cress Native
Rosa indica Rosa lacre, Rosa pio nono, Rosa Príncipe Alberto, Rosa verde Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rosa sempervirens Mula de Venus, Rosa mula de Venus, Rosa de Italia Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rosenbergiodendron formosum Jasmín de rosa Not Native, Cultivated Only
Roseodendron donnell-smithii Primavera Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rosmarinus officinalis Romero / Rosemary Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rotala ramosior Yerba de cáncer Native
Rottboellia cochinchinensis Itchgrass Not Native, Naturalized
Rourea surinamensis Bejuco de garrote, Juan caliente Native
Rousselia humilis Shineseed Native
Roystonea borinquena Palma real, Palma real puertorriqueña, Palma de yaguas / Puerto Rico royal palm, Royal palm Native
Roystonea regia Palma real cubana, Palma de yaguas cubana / Cabbage palm, Cuban royal palm, Royal palm Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rubus coronarius Cultivated raspberry Not Native, Naturalized
Rubus ellipticus Not Native, Cultivated Only
Rubus florulentus Fresa de montaña Native
Rubus probus Queensland raspberry Not Native, Naturalized
Rubus rosifolius Frambuesa común, Fresa, Rosa minadora, Rosa de novia, Zarza / Mountain raspberry, West Indian raspberry, Wild raspberry Not Native, Naturalized
Ruellia blechum Yerba de papagayo Native
Ruellia chartacea Peruvian wild petunia Not Native, Naturalized
Ruellia coccinea Maravilla, Yerba maravilla Native
Ruellia simplex A-las-doce-me-voy Not Native, Naturalized
Ruellia tuberosa Many-roots Native
Rumex crispus Col agria, Vinagrillo / Curled dock, Curly dock Not Native, Naturalized
Rumohra adiantiformis Iron fern Native
Ruppia cirrhosa
Ruppia didyma Yerba de zanja Native
Ruppia maritima Yerba de zanja / Ditchgrass, Widgeongrass Native
Russelia equisetiformis Coral de Italia, Lluvia de coral / Fountain plant, Madeira plant Not Native, Cultivated Only
Ruta chalepensis Ruda / Rue Not Native, Cultivated Only