There are 1401 taxa reported for the Bahama Archipelago.

Group By Family:

Index:      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z                

Scientific Name: Common Name: Native Status:
Macroptilium atropurpureum Purple bushbean (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Not Native, Naturalized
Macroptilium lathyroides Wild bush bean Native
Macrothelypteris torresiana Mariana maiden fern (Florida Atlas), Swordfern (PLANTS) Not Native, Naturalized
Malachra capitata Native
Malachra urens Native
Malaxis spicata Slender Malaxis Native
Malpighia polytricha subsp. parvifolia Bahama Malpighia, Touch-me-not, Wild-cherry Native
Malpighia polytricha subsp. polytricha Bahama Malpighia, Touch-me-not, Wild-cherry Native
Malpighia polytricha subsp. vivaldiana Bahama Malpighia, Touch-me-not, Wild-cherry Native
Malvastrum americanum Indian Valley false mallow (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Native
Malvastrum corchorifolium Rugel’s false mallow Native
Malvastrum coromandelianum False mallow Native
Malvaviscus arboreus Sagra’s Malvaviscus Not Native, Naturalized
Malvaviscus penduliflorus Not Native, Cultivated Only
Mammea americana Mamey Native
Mammillaria nivosa Woolly nipple-cactus Native
Mangifera indica Mango Not Native, Naturalized
Manihot esculenta Cassava Not Native, Naturalized
Manilkara jaimiqui subsp. emarginata Wild dilly, Wild sapodilla Native
Manilkara zapota Chicle, Dilly, Neesberry, Sapodilla Not Native, Naturalized
Mansoa alliacea Garlic vine Not Native, Naturalized
Margaritaria scandens Bahama Margaritaria Native
Marsilea nashii Nash’s pepperwort Native
Marsilea vestita Hairy pepperwort Native
Martynia annua Small-fruited Martynia Native
Matelea correllii Native
Maurandya antirrhiniflora Roving sailor Not Native, Naturalized
Maytenus buxifolia Box-leaved Maytenus Native
Maytenus lucayana Bahama Maytenus Native
Maytenus phyllanthoides Florida mayten (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Native
Mazus pumilus Japanese Mazus (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Not Native, Naturalized
Mecardonia procumbens Baby jumpup (Florida Atlas) Native
Medicago lupulina Black medick, Hop clover Not Native, Naturalized
Melaleuca quinquenervia Cajeput tree, Punk tree, Paperbark tree Not Native, Cultivated Only
Melaleuca viminalis Weeping bottlebrush Not Native, Naturalized
Melanthera nivea Melanthera Native
Melia azedarach Pride-of-India Not Native, Naturalized
Melicoccus bijugatus Genip Not Native, Naturalized
Melilotus albus Hubam, White sweet clover Not Native, Naturalized
Melilotus indicus Sour clover Not Native, Naturalized
Melinis repens Natal grass Not Native, Naturalized
Melocactus intortus Turk’s-cap Native
Melochia nodiflora Melochia Native
Melochia pyramidata Smooth Melochia Native
Melochia tomentosa Pyramid bush, Tea bush, Velvety Melochia Native
Melothria pendula Creeping-cucumber Native
Mentha x piperita Eau de Cologne mint Not Native, Naturalized
Mentzelia floridana Florida Mentzelia Native
Mercurialis annua Herb mercury Not Native, Naturalized
Merremia aegyptia Hairy woodrose (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Native
Merremia dissecta Cut-leaf morning glory, Noyau vine Native
Merremia quinquefolia Rock rosemary Native
Merremia tuberosa Wood-rose Not Native, Naturalized
Mesadenus lucayanus Green ladies-tresses Native
Metastelma bahamense Bahama Metastelma Native
Metastelma blodgettii Blodgett’s swallowwort (Florida Atlas) Native
Metastelma eggersii Eggers’ Metastelma Native
Metastelma inaguense Inagua Metastelma Native
Metastelma linearifolium Narrow-leaved Metastelma Native
Metastelma northropiae Northrop's Metastelma Native
Metastelma sigmoideum Native
Metastelma stipitatum Native
Metopium toxiferum Poison tree, Poison wood Native
Micranthemum umbrosum Water-starwort Native
Microgramma heterophylla Climbing polypody Native
Mikania scandens Climbing hempweed Native
Mimosa bahamensis Bahama Mimosa, Haulback Native
Mimosa pudica Sensitive plant Not Native, Naturalized
Mirabilis jalapa Four-o'clock, Morning rose Not Native, Naturalized
Mitreola petiolata Mitrewort Native
Mitreola sessilifolia Swamp hornpod (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Native
Momordica charantia Wild balsam-apple Not Native, Naturalized
Monanthochloe littoralis Shoregrass Native
Morinda citrifolia Indian mulberry (Florida Atlas, PLANTS) Not Native, Naturalized
Morinda royoc Rhubarb, Wild mulberry Native
Moringa oleifera Horseradish-tree Not Native, Naturalized
Mosiera androsiana Native
Mosiera longipes Bahama stopper, Long-stalked stopper, Sweet Margaret, Wild guava Native
Mucuna pruriens Cow itch Assumed to be Native
Muhlenbergia capillaris Long-awned hairgrass, Purplegrass Native
Muntingia calabura Jamaican cherry Not Native, Naturalized
Musa acuminata Dwarf banana (Florida Atlas) Not Native, Cultivated Only
Musa x paradisiaca Banana Not Native, Cultivated Only
Myrcianthes fragrans Cherry, Naked-wood, Pale stopper, Twin berry stopper Native
Myrica cerifera Bay-berry, Mickle-berry, Wax-berry, Wild tea Native
Myriopus poliochros White-leaved tournefortia Native
Myriopus stenophyllus Native
Myriopus volubilis Slender green-leaved tournefortia, Soldier-bush, Soldier vine Native
Myrsine cubana Myrsine Native