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Boat-tailed Grackle
Quiscalus major

Copyright by: Beryn Harty, 2022.

A medium-sized bird measuring up to 15 inches in length. Male is shiny black in color and the femal is brown. Tail is very long a keel-shaped.
A resident along the coast of the southeastern United States.
Freshwater and salt marshes, upland habitats, cities, and agricultural fields.
1 to 3 light blue eggs with brown markins are laid in a cup of mud and grass placed in decaying vegetation in a marsh.
This species is omnivorous and feeds on invertebrates, amphibians, grain, fruit, and garbage.
Can be found in South Florida year round.
Kushlan & Hines (2014)

Copyright by: Beryn Harty, 2022.

Copyright by: Beryn Harty, 2022.

Copyright by: Joe Montes de Oca

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Jay Bird - @BotanizingBirdingButterflies

Florida Native Plant Nursery