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Floristic Inventory of the Florida Keys Database Online

Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. var. dactylon
Bermuda grass

Cynodon dactylon
Copyright by: Shirley Denton

Family: Poaceae

Group: Monocot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Herb

Perennation: Perennial

Native Range: Africa; cultivated and naturalized elsewhere.

Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized

South Florida History and Distribution: IRC considers this an emerging invasive in South Florida.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Comments: For more images, click on the Atlas of Vascular Plants link below.

Synonyms: Capriola dactylon.

FLORIDA KEYS Occurrence: Present

FLORIDA KEYS Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized

Map of select IRC data for the Florida Keys

Florida Keys History and Distribution: Reported in 1913 by John Kunkel Small for hammocks, pinelands and disturbed sites without specific locality data.  Widely naturalized and sometimes invasive.

Other data on Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon available from :

Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon has been reported from the following 16 conservation areas in the FLORIDA KEYS :
Occurrence Native Status
Bahia Honda State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Biscayne National Park, Florida Keys Section Present Not Native, Naturalized
Blue Heron Hammock, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized
Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge Present Not Native, Naturalized
Curry Hammock State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammocks Botanical State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Dove Creek Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized
Dry Tortugas National Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge Present Not Native, Naturalized
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Key West National Wildlife Refuge Present Not Native, Naturalized
Lake San Pedro Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized
Little Hamaca Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Long Key State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
National Key Deer Refuge Present Not Native, Naturalized
Windley Key Fossil Reef Geological State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized

Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon has been reported for the following 7 habitats in THE FLORIDA KEYS :
Beach Dune
Coastal Berm
Disturbed Upland
Disturbed Wetland
Mangrove swamp
Pine Rockland
Salt Marsh

All Images:

Cynodon dactylon
Copyright by: Shirley Denton