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Furcraea foetida (L.) Haw.

Furcraea foetida
Copyright by: George D. Gann
Naturalized, Everglades National Park, Key Largo, Florida, 2013

Family: Asparagaceae

Group: Monocot

Substrate: Terrestrial

Habit: Shrub

Perennation: Monocarpic

Native Range: Northern South America; widely cultivated and sometimes naturalized elsewhere.

Map of select IRC data for peninsular Florida

FLEPPC Status: W

SOUTH FLORIDA Occurrence: Present

SOUTH FLORIDA Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized

South Florida History and Distribution: IRC considers this an emerging invasive in South Florida. Also listed as Early Detection Rapid Response species by the Everglades Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area.

SOUTH FLORIDA Cultivated Status: Cultivated

Other data on Furcraea foetida available from :

Furcraea foetida has been found in the following 17 conservation areas :
Occurrence Native Status
Attwood Addition, Indian Key Historic State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Biscayne National Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Biscayne National Park, Florida Keys Section Present Not Native, Naturalized
Camp Owaissa Bauer Addition Present Not Native, Naturalized
Castellow Hammock parcel 33 Present Not Native, Naturalized
Crandon Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Everglades National Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Fuchs Hammock Preserve Present Not Native, Naturalized
Ingram Pineland Present Not Native, Naturalized
John Kunkel Small Pineland Present Not Native, Naturalized
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Lake San Pedro Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized
Rockdale Pineland Present Not Native, Naturalized
Savannas Preserve State Park Present Not Native, Naturalized
Silver Palm Groves Present Not Native, Naturalized
Snake Creek Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized
Sugarloaf Hammocks, Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area Present Not Native, Naturalized

Furcraea foetida has been found in the following 3 counties :
Occurrence Native Status
Martin County Not Native, Naturalized
Miami-Dade County Not Native, Naturalized
Monroe County (Keys) Not Native, Naturalized

Furcraea foetida has been found in the following 4 habitats :
Coastal Strand
Disturbed Upland
Rockland Hammock

All Images:

Furcraea foetida
Copyright by: George D. Gann
Naturalized, Everglades National Park, Key Largo, Florida, 2013
Furcraea foetida
Copyright by: Shirley Denton