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Piñones, Bosque Estatal/State Forest
Municipios/Municipalities: Carolina, Loíza
Latitude: 18.443835º Longitude: -65.966276º
Agencia Administradora/Managing Agency: Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales/Department of Natural and Environmental Resources

Hemos ingresado datos para 210 tipos de plantas/We have entered data for 210 kinds of plants

Agrupar por Familia/Group By Family:  

Nombre Científico/
Scientific Name:
Estatus Introducido/
Introduced Status:
Estatus invasivo/
Invasive Status:
Estatus Cultivado/
Cultivated Status:
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Achyranthes aspera var. aspera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Achyranthes aspera var. aspera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Acrostichum aureum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Acrostichum aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Aeschynomene sensitiva
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Aeschynomene sensitiva
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Albizia procera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Albizia procera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Allamanda cathartica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Allamanda cathartica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Allotoonia agglutinata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Allotoonia agglutinata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Alysicarpus vaginalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Alysicarpus vaginalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Amaranthus spinosus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Amaranthus spinosus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Andira inermis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Andira inermis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Andropogon bicornis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Andropogon bicornis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Annona glabra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Annona glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Annona muricata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Annona muricata
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive Cultivated 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Annona reticulata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Annona reticulata
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive Cultivated 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Antigonon leptopus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Antigonon leptopus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Aristolochia trilobata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Aristolochia trilobata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Artocarpus altilis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Artocarpus altilis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Asclepias curassavica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Asplenium dentatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Asplenium dentatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Asystasia gangetica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Asystasia gangetica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Avicennia germinans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Avicennia germinans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bacopa innominata
Presencia/Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Bacopa innominata
Possibly Extirpated Native Not Introduced Native 52326
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Bacopa monnieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bauhinia monandra
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Bauhinia monandra
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bidens alba var. radiata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Bidens alba var. radiata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bothriochloa pertusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Bothriochloa pertusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Breynia disticha
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Breynia disticha
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive Cultivated 52326 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Bromelia pinguin
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Bromelia pinguin
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Byrsonima lucida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Byrsonima lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52326
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Caesalpinia bonduc
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Caesalpinia bonduc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Caesalpinia ciliata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Caesalpinia ciliata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Calophyllum antillanum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52378
Váucher/Voucher: 52378
Calophyllum antillanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52378 52378
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Calotropis procera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52379
Váucher/Voucher: 52379
Calotropis procera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52379 52379
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Canavalia rosea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Canavalia rosea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Casearia guianensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Casearia guianensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cassytha filiformis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26125
Cassytha filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26125
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Casuarina equisetifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Catharanthus roseus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Celosia nitida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Celosia nitida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cenchrus echinatus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cenchrus echinatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Centrosema pubescens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Centrosema pubescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Centrosema virginianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chamaecrista nictitans var. glabrata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Chamaecrista nictitans var. glabrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chenopodium ambrosioides
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Chrysobalanus icaco
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26123
Váucher/Voucher: 26123
Chrysobalanus icaco
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26123 26123
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Citrus x aurantiifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Citrus x aurantiifolia
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Clerodendrum x speciosum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Clerodendrum x speciosum
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Coccoloba uvifera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Coccoloba uvifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Cocos nucifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Colocasia esculenta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Colocasia esculenta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Conocarpus erectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Corchorus hirsutus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Corchorus hirsutus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cordia alliodora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cordia alliodora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crossopetalum rhacoma
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Crossopetalum rhacoma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crotalaria retusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Crotalaria retusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Crotalaria verrucosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 26132
Váucher/Voucher: 26132
Crotalaria verrucosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 26132 26132
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cucurbita moschata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cucurbita moschata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyanthillium cinereum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cyanthillium cinereum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cynophalla flexuosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Cynophalla flexuosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyperus ligularis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cyperus ligularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyperus polystachyos
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cyperus polystachyos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Cyperus surinamensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Cyperus surinamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26134
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26134
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dichanthium annulatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Dichanthium annulatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Digitaria horizontalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Digitaria horizontalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52380
Váucher/Voucher: 52380
Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52380 52380
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eichhornia crassipes
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Eichhornia crassipes
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Elaeodendron xylocarpum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26135
Váucher/Voucher: 26135
Elaeodendron xylocarpum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26135 26135
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eleocharis geniculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Eleocharis geniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eleocharis mutata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Eleocharis mutata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Elephantopus mollis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Elephantopus mollis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eleusine indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Eleusine indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Emilia fosbergii
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Emilia fosbergii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Emilia sonchifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Emilia sonchifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eriochloa polystachya
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Eriochloa polystachya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erithalis fruticosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Erithalis fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ernodea littoralis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Ernodea littoralis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erythrina eggersii
Presencia/Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Erythrina eggersii
Possibly Extirpated Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Erythroxylum rotundifolium
Presencia/Occurrence: Reported
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Erythroxylum rotundifolium
Reported 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Eucalyptus robusta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Eucalyptus robusta
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Not Invasive Cultivated 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia heterophylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Euphorbia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia hypericifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Euphorbia hypericifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26124
Váucher/Voucher: 26124
Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26124 26124
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Euphorbia serpens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Euphorbia serpens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ficus citrifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Ficus citrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Fimbristylis cymosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Fimbristylis cymosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gliricidia sepium
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Estatus Cultivado/Cultivated Status: Assumed to be Cultivated
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Gliricidia sepium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive Assumed to be Cultivated 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gomphrena serrata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Gomphrena serrata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Gossypium hirsutum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26128
Váucher/Voucher: 26128
Gossypium hirsutum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26128 26128
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Guapira fragrans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Guapira fragrans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Helicteres jamaicensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Helicteres jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Heteropterys purpurea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Heteropterys purpurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hibiscus tiliaceus var. pernambucensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Assumed to be Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Hibiscus tiliaceus var. pernambucensis
Present Assumed to be Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hibiscus trilobus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Hibiscus trilobus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52326
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Hura crepitans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Hura crepitans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Indigofera suffruticosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Indigofera suffruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Indigofera tinctoria
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Indigofera tinctoria
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea imperati
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26119
Ipomoea imperati
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26119
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26655
Ipomoea indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26655
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea tiliacea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26130
Ipomoea tiliacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26130
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea triloba
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Ipomoea triloba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ipomoea violacea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Ipomoea violacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jacquemontia solanifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26127
Jacquemontia solanifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26127
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Jatropha gossypiifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Jatropha gossypiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Kyllinga brevifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Kyllinga brevifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Kyllinga tibialis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Kyllinga tibialis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Laguncularia racemosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Váucher/Voucher: 27113
Laguncularia racemosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ludwigia octovalvis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Ludwigia octovalvis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Machaerium lunatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Machaerium lunatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Macroptilium atropurpureum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26136
Macroptilium atropurpureum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 51468 26136
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Macroptilium lathyroides
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Macroptilium lathyroides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Manilkara bidentata subsp. surinamensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Manilkara bidentata subsp. surinamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Matelea maritima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Matelea maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Melochia nodiflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Melochia nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Metastelma decipiens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Metastelma decipiens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Metastelma parviflorum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Metastelma parviflorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Mikania congesta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Mikania congesta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Mimosa casta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Mimosa casta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Mimosa pudica var. unijuga
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Mimosa pudica var. unijuga
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Mucuna pruriens
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Mucuna pruriens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Nectandra coriacea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Nectandra coriacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Nephrolepis brownii
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Nephrolepis brownii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Neptunia plena
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26656
Váucher/Voucher: 26656
Neptunia plena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26656 26656
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Nymphoides indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Nymphoides indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Oldenlandia lancifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Oldenlandia lancifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Oplonia spinosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26126
Oplonia spinosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26126
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Panicum laxum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Panicum laxum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Panicum maximum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Panicum maximum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum fimbriatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum fimbriatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum laxum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum laxum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum millegrana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum millegrana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum paniculatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum paniculatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum vaginatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum vaginatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Paspalum virgatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Paspalum virgatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Passiflora suberosa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Passiflora suberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pectis humifusa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26122
Váucher/Voucher: 26122
Pectis humifusa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26122 26122
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Peltophorum pterocarpum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pentalinon luteum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Pentalinon luteum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Persea americana
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Persea americana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Phyla nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Phyllanthus acidus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Phyllanthus acidus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Phyllanthus amarus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Phyllanthus amarus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Piper amalago
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Piper amalago
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pisonia horneae
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Pisonia horneae
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pseudelephantopus spicatus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Pseudelephantopus spicatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Psidium guajava
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Psidium guajava
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Pterocarpus officinalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Pterocarpus officinalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Randia aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Randia aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rauvolfia nitida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Rauvolfia nitida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rhabdadenia biflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Rhabdadenia biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rhizophora mangle
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Rhizophora mangle
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Rhynchosia minima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Rhynchosia minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Ricinus communis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Ricinus communis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Roystonea borinquena
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Roystonea borinquena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sagittaria intermedia
Presencia/Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sagittaria intermedia
Possibly Extirpated Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Salvia occidentalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Salvia occidentalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Securidaca virgata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Securidaca virgata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Senna obtusifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Senna obtusifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Senna occidentalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Assumed to be Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Senna occidentalis
Present Assumed to be Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Serjania lucida
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Serjania lucida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Serjania polyphylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26129
Váucher/Voucher: 26129
Serjania polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26129 26129
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sesuvium portulacastrum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 26120
Váucher/Voucher: 26120
Sesuvium portulacastrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 26120 26120
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Setaria parviflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Setaria parviflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sida acuta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sida acuta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sida cordifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sida cordifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sideroxylon foetidissimum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Solanum torvum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Solanum torvum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spathodea campanulata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Spathodea campanulata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spermacoce remota
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Spermacoce remota
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spermacoce verticillata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Spermacoce verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Spondias mombin
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Spondias mombin
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sporobolus pyramidalis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sporobolus pyramidalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Sporobolus tenuissimus
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Sporobolus tenuissimus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stigmaphyllon emarginatum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 26131
Stigmaphyllon emarginatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 26131
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Stylosanthes hamata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Stylosanthes hamata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Suriana maritima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 32233
Suriana maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32233
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Synedrella nodiflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Synedrella nodiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Syngonium podophyllum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Syngonium podophyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tabebuia heterophylla
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 27113
Tabebuia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27113
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tephrosia cinerea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Tephrosia cinerea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Terminalia buceras
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Terminalia buceras
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Terminalia catappa
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Terminalia catappa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Thespesia grandiflora
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Thespesia grandiflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Thespesia populnea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Thespesia populnea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Thunbergia fragrans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Thunbergia fragrans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tillandsia utriculata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Tillandsia utriculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tithonia diversifolia
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Tithonia diversifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced 52326 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tolumnia variegata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Tolumnia variegata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Tournefortia hirsutissima
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Tournefortia hirsutissima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Trichilia hirta
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Trichilia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Trichostigma octandrum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Trichostigma octandrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Triumfetta lappula
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Triumfetta lappula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Triumfetta rhomboidea
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Triumfetta rhomboidea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Typha domingensis
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Typha domingensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Urena lobata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Urena lobata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Urochloa distachya
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Urochloa distachya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Urochloa fusca
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Urochloa fusca
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Verbesina alata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Verbesina alata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52326 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Vigna luteola
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 51468
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Vigna luteola
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51468 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Volkameria aculeata
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Volkameria aculeata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Waltheria indica
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Waltheria indica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum martinicense
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Zanthoxylum martinicense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zanthoxylum monophyllum
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Native
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Native
Referencia/Reference Number: 52337
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Zanthoxylum monophyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52337 52337
Nombre Científico/Scientific Name: Zinnia elegans
Presencia/Occurrence: Present
Origen/Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Estatus Introducido/Introduced Status: Introduced
Estatus invasivo/Invasive Status: Ruderal
Referencia/Reference Number: 52326
Váucher/Voucher: 52337
Zinnia elegans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 52326 52337

Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. 2005. Vines and Climbing Plants of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 51: 1-483. Link to publication. Link to checklist. Link to abstract. Link to key to vine families.
Axelrod, F.S. 2011. A Systematic Vademecum to the Vascular Plants of Puerto Rico. BRIT Press.
Gann, G.D. 2016. Photographic voucher of Calophyllum antillanum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico on 22 Apr 2016. Link to photographic voucher.
Gann, G.D. 2016. Photographic voucher of Calotropis procera at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico on 22 Apr 2016. Link to photographic voucher.
Gann, G.D. 2016. Photographic voucher of Dodonaea viscosa var. viscosa at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico on 22 Apr 2016. Link to photographic voucher.
Little, E.L. Jr., and F.H. Wadsworth. 1964. Common Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Agricultural Handbook No. 249. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office.
Little, E.L. Jr., R.O. Woodbury, and F.H. Wadsworth. 1974. Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, Second Volume. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Agricultural Handbook No. 449. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office.

Acevedo 10789 US. Voucher of Ipomoea indica at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 28 Jan 1999.
Acevedo 10790 US. Voucher of Neptunia plena at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 28 Jan 1999.
Acevedo 9294 US. Voucher of Ipomoea imperati at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9296 US. Voucher of Sesuvium portulacastrum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9297 US. Voucher of Metastelma decipiens at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9298 US. Voucher of Pectis humifusa at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9299 US. Voucher of Chrysobalanus icaco at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9300 US. Voucher of Euphorbia mesembryanthemifolia at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9301 US. Voucher of Cassytha filiformis at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9302 US. Voucher of Oplonia spinosa at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9303 US. Voucher of Jacquemontia solanifolia at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9304 US. Voucher of Gossypium hirsutum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico [as Gossypium hirsutum var. marie-galante]. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9305 US. Voucher of Serjania polyphylla at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9306 US. Voucher of Ipomoea tiliacea at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9307 US. Voucher of Stigmaphyllon emarginatum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9308 US. Voucher of Crotalaria verrucosa at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9309 US. Voucher of Ipomoea indica at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9310 US. Voucher of Dalbergia ecastophyllum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9311 US. Voucher of Elaeodendron xylocarpum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
Acevedo 9312 US. Voucher of Macroptilium atropurpureum at Piñones State Forest, Puerto Rico. 11 Feb 1997.
UPRRP Herbarium, Database Project. http://herbariodb.uprrp.edu/Bol/. Accessed 2015-2106. Link to Search.