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Big Cypress National Preserve
County: Collier County, Miami-Dade County, Monroe County (Mainland)
Size: 729000 acres
Latitude: 25.900751º Longitude: -81.303642º
Notes: For a map and more information click here.
Managing Agency: United States National Park Service

There are 1147 taxa reported for
Big Cypress National Preserve

Group By Family:

Scientific Name: Occurrence: Native Status: Introduced Status: Invasive Status: Cultivated Status: Reference: Voucher:
Scientific Name: Abrus precatorius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34818
Voucher: 47162
Abrus precatorius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34818 47162
Scientific Name: Abutilon permolle
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34864
Abutilon permolle
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34864
Scientific Name: Acacia auriculiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 46278
Voucher: 51017
Acacia auriculiformis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 46278 51017
Scientific Name: Acalypha gracilens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49718
Voucher: 49718
Acalypha gracilens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49718 49718
Scientific Name: Acalypha ostryifolia
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 52765
Acalypha ostryifolia
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Ruderal 24047 52765
Scientific Name: Acer rubrum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35038
Acer rubrum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35038
Scientific Name: Acmella oppositifolia var. repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40365
Voucher: 40365
Acmella oppositifolia var. repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40365 40365
Scientific Name: Acoelorraphe wrightii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35038
Acoelorraphe wrightii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35038
Scientific Name: Acrostichum aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35032
Voucher: 49596
Acrostichum aureum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35032 49596
Scientific Name: Acrostichum danaeifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35041
Voucher: 49866
Acrostichum danaeifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35041 49866
Scientific Name: Actinostachys pennula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35006
Voucher: 46703
Actinostachys pennula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35006 46703
Scientific Name: Adiantum capillus-veneris
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 24047
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Reported 24047
Scientific Name: Adiantum tenerum
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 24047
Adiantum tenerum
Doubtfully Present 24047
Scientific Name: Aechmea bracteata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 40411
Aechmea bracteata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Assumed to be Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 40411
Scientific Name: Aechmea victoriana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46675
Voucher: 49830
Aechmea victoriana
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 46675 49830
Scientific Name: Aeschynomene americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34772
Aeschynomene americana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34772
Scientific Name: Aeschynomene pratensis var. pratensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27089
Aeschynomene pratensis var. pratensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27089
Scientific Name: Agalinis fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32672
Voucher: 38280
Agalinis fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32672 38280
Scientific Name: Agalinis linifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34817
Voucher: 46304
Agalinis linifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34817 46304
Scientific Name: Agalinis maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34939
Voucher: 22901
Agalinis maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34939 22901
Scientific Name: Agave decipiens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47316
Agave decipiens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 47316
Scientific Name: Agave sisalana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 47609
Agave sisalana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 47609
Scientific Name: Ageratina jucunda
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34819
Voucher: 3673
Ageratina jucunda
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34819 3673
Scientific Name: Ageratum conyzoides subsp. conyzoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49825
Voucher: 49825
Ageratum conyzoides subsp. conyzoides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49825 49825
Scientific Name: Albizia lebbeck
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 32674
Albizia lebbeck
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 32674
Scientific Name: Aletris bracteata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 43007
Voucher: 43007
Aletris bracteata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 43007 43007
Scientific Name: Aletris lutea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32672
Voucher: 49750
Aletris lutea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32672 49750
Scientific Name: Allamanda cathartica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 49629
Allamanda cathartica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 49629
Scientific Name: Alpinia zerumbet
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46675
Voucher: 48619
Alpinia zerumbet
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 46675 48619
Scientific Name: Alternanthera flavescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 40391
Alternanthera flavescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 40391
Scientific Name: Alternanthera philoxeroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 27089
Voucher: 46183
Alternanthera philoxeroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 27089 46183
Scientific Name: Alysicarpus ovalifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 49116
Alysicarpus ovalifolius
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 24047 49116
Scientific Name: Alysicarpus vaginalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 32670
Alysicarpus vaginalis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 32670
Scientific Name: Amaranthus australis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27092
Voucher: 2221
Amaranthus australis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27092 2221
Scientific Name: Amaranthus spinosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46289
Voucher: 49968
Amaranthus spinosus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal Cultivated 46289 49968
Scientific Name: Amaranthus viridis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34865
Amaranthus viridis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34865
Scientific Name: Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24248
Voucher: 37582
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 24248 37582
Scientific Name: Ammannia latifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24248
Voucher: 37596
Ammannia latifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24248 37596
Scientific Name: Amorpha fruticosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32214
Voucher: 49745
Amorpha fruticosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32214 49745
Scientific Name: Ampelopsis arborea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32672
Voucher: 38298
Ampelopsis arborea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32672 38298
Scientific Name: Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 37636
Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 37636
Scientific Name: Amyris elemifera
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15281
Amyris elemifera
Assumed to be Present Native Not Introduced Native 15281
Scientific Name: Anagallis minima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40405
Voucher: 40405
Anagallis minima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40405 40405
Scientific Name: Anagallis pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34937
Voucher: 49900
Anagallis pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34937 49900
Scientific Name: Ananas comosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46675
Ananas comosus
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 46675
Scientific Name: Andropogon brachystachyus
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 35006
Andropogon brachystachyus
Reported 35006
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Andropogon glomeratus var. glaucopsis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34763
Voucher: 3679
Andropogon glomeratus var. hirsutior
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34763 3679
Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27089
Voucher: 46638
Andropogon glomeratus var. pumilus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27089 46638
Scientific Name: Andropogon gyrans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24249
Voucher: 3666
Andropogon gyrans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24249 3666
Scientific Name: Andropogon longiberbis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4880
Voucher: 4880
Andropogon longiberbis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4880 4880
Scientific Name: Andropogon ternarius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32228
Voucher: 49578
Andropogon ternarius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32228 49578
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35024
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35024
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 46635
Andropogon virginicus var. decipiens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 46635
Scientific Name: Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27088
Voucher: 3680
Andropogon virginicus var. glaucus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27088 3680
Scientific Name: Anemia adiantifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34818
Voucher: 2
Anemia adiantifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34818 2
Scientific Name: Angadenia berteroi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 34897
Angadenia berteroi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 34897
Scientific Name: Annona glabra
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32673
Voucher: 49740
Annona glabra
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32673 49740
Scientific Name: Apios americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40334
Voucher: 40334
Apios americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40334 40334
Scientific Name: Apteria aphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34819
Voucher: 40368
Apteria aphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34819 40368
Scientific Name: Ardisia elliptica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 51730
Ardisia elliptica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 51730
Scientific Name: Ardisia escallonioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37607
Voucher: 37607
Ardisia escallonioides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37607 37607
Scientific Name: Argemone mexicana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14827
Argemone mexicana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14827
Scientific Name: Aristida palustris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46265
Aristida palustris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46265
Scientific Name: Aristida patula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38278
Voucher: 38278
Aristida patula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38278 38278
Scientific Name: Aristida purpurascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34818
Voucher: 46468
Aristida purpurascens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34818 46468
Scientific Name: Aristida spiciformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49577
Voucher: 49577
Aristida spiciformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49577 49577
Scientific Name: Aristida stricta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 46698
Aristida stricta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 46698
Scientific Name: Arnoglossum ovatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47141
Voucher: 47141
Arnoglossum ovatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 47141 47141
Scientific Name: Arundo donax
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34803
Voucher: 46656
Arundo donax
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34803 46656
Scientific Name: Asclepias curassavica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49737
Voucher: 49737
Asclepias curassavica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49737 49737
Scientific Name: Asclepias incarnata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 34902
Asclepias incarnata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 34902
Scientific Name: Asclepias lanceolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35021
Voucher: 2596
Asclepias lanceolata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35021 2596
Scientific Name: Asclepias longifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35038
Voucher: 2323
Asclepias longifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35038 2323
Scientific Name: Asclepias tuberosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40372
Voucher: 40372
Asclepias tuberosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40372 40372
Scientific Name: Asclepias verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40373
Voucher: 49711
Asclepias verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40373 49711
Scientific Name: Asimina reticulata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 49699
Asimina reticulata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 49699
Scientific Name: Asparagus setaceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 40411
Asparagus setaceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 40411
Scientific Name: Asplenium erosum
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 49556
Asplenium erosum
Reported 49556
Scientific Name: Asplenium serratum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 4605
Voucher: 4605
Asplenium serratum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 4605 4605
Scientific Name: Avicennia germinans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 49594
Avicennia germinans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 49594
Scientific Name: Axonopus compressus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40337
Voucher: 40337
Axonopus compressus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40337 40337
Scientific Name: Axonopus fissifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34800
Voucher: 43020
Axonopus fissifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34800 43020
Scientific Name: Axonopus furcatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 38380
Axonopus furcatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 38380
Scientific Name: Azolla caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 49735
Azolla caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 49735
Scientific Name: Baccharis angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 49676
Baccharis angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 49676
Scientific Name: Baccharis glomeruliflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32672
Baccharis glomeruliflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32672
Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35038
Baccharis halimifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35038
Scientific Name: Bacopa caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35042
Bacopa caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35042
Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Bacopa monnieri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Barleria cristata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49617
Voucher: 49617
Barleria cristata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49617 49617
Scientific Name: Bartonia paniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46700
Voucher: 46700
Bartonia paniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46700 46700
Scientific Name: Bartonia virginica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 20315
Voucher: 20315
Bartonia virginica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 20315 20315
Scientific Name: Batis maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49672
Voucher: 49672
Batis maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49672 49672
Scientific Name: Bauhinia purpurea
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48624
Bauhinia purpurea
Assumed to be Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 24047 48624
Scientific Name: Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48633
Bauhinia variegata var. variegata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 24047 48633
Scientific Name: Begonia cucullata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 50028
Voucher: 50028
Begonia cucullata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 50028 50028
Scientific Name: Bejaria racemosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24248
Bejaria racemosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24248
Scientific Name: Berchemia scandens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 51026
Berchemia scandens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 51026
Scientific Name: Bidens alba var. radiata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 37583
Voucher: 37583
Bidens alba var. radiata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 37583 37583
Scientific Name: Bigelowia nudata subsp. australis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40321
Voucher: 49124
Bigelowia nudata subsp. australis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40321 49124
Scientific Name: Bischofia javanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 46262
Voucher: 50013
Bischofia javanica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 46262 50013
Scientific Name: Blechnum serrulatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37618
Voucher: 37618
Blechnum serrulatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37618 37618
Scientific Name: Bletia purpurea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34878
Voucher: 4171
Bletia purpurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34878 4171
Scientific Name: Blutaparon vermiculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34961
Voucher: 49838
Blutaparon vermiculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34961 49838
Scientific Name: Boehmeria cylindrica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37585
Boehmeria cylindrica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37585
Scientific Name: Boerhavia diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34794
Boerhavia diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34794
Scientific Name: Boltonia diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Boltonia diffusa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Borrichia frutescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35032
Voucher: 49597
Borrichia frutescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35032 49597
Scientific Name: Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 40341
Voucher: 40341
Bothriochloa ischaemum var. songarica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 40341 40341
Scientific Name: Bothriochloa pertusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34865
Bothriochloa pertusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34865
Scientific Name: Brassica rapa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46686
Voucher: 46686
Brassica rapa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46686 46686
Scientific Name: Buchnera americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37580
Voucher: 37580
Buchnera americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37580 37580
Scientific Name: Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14592
Bulbostylis ciliatifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14592
Scientific Name: Bulbostylis stenophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14592
Bulbostylis stenophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14592
Scientific Name: Burmannia capitata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34869
Voucher: 4885
Burmannia capitata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34869 4885
Scientific Name: Burmannia flava
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 3701
Voucher: 4884
Burmannia flava
Present Native Not Introduced Native 3701 4884
Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35041
Bursera simaruba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35041
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia bonduc
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Caesalpinia bonduc
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Calliandra haematocephala
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34876
Calliandra haematocephala
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34876
Scientific Name: Callicarpa americana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 49756
Callicarpa americana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 49756
Scientific Name: Callisia repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 43018
Voucher: 43018
Callisia repens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 43018 43018
Scientific Name: Calopogon barbatus
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 24047
Calopogon barbatus
Recorded as Present in Error 24047
Scientific Name: Calopogon multiflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Calopogon multiflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027
Scientific Name: Calopogon tuberosus var. simpsonii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27109
Calopogon tuberosus var. simpsonii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27109
Scientific Name: Calyptocarpus vialis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49554
Voucher: 49840
Calyptocarpus vialis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49554 49840
Scientific Name: Calyptranthes pallens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34767
Voucher: 45995
Calyptranthes pallens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34767 45995
Scientific Name: Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Voucher: 6348
Calystegia sepium subsp. limnophila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701 6348
Scientific Name: Campanula floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 16667
Voucher: 40402
Campanula floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 16667 40402
Scientific Name: Campsis radicans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47525
Voucher: 47525
Campsis radicans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 47525 47525
Scientific Name: Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32677
Campylocentrum pachyrrhizum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32677
Scientific Name: Campyloneurum angustifolium
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 53951
Voucher: 53951
Campyloneurum angustifolium
Assumed to be Present Native Not Introduced Native 53951 53951
Scientific Name: Campyloneurum costatum
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 49556
Campyloneurum costatum
Reported 49556
Scientific Name: Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37604
Voucher: 37604
Campyloneurum phyllitidis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37604 37604
Scientific Name: Canna flaccida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35037
Voucher: 7458
Canna flaccida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35037 7458
Scientific Name: Caperonia castaneifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38266
Voucher: 38266
Caperonia castaneifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38266 38266
Scientific Name: Capraria biflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34816
Capraria biflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34816
Scientific Name: Cardamine pensylvanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49555
Voucher: 49824
Cardamine pensylvanica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 49555 49824
Scientific Name: Cardiospermum corindum var. corindum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34864
Cardiospermum corindum var. corindum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34864
Scientific Name: Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 6603
Voucher: 6603
Cardiospermum halicacabum var. microcarpum
Doubtfully Present 6603 6603
Scientific Name: Carex comosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40397
Voucher: 40397
Carex comosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40397 40397
Scientific Name: Carex gigantea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27092
Voucher: 49804
Carex gigantea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27092 49804
Scientific Name: Carex longii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40398
Voucher: 49810
Carex longii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40398 49810
Scientific Name: Carex lupuliformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 46688
Carex lupuliformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 46688
Scientific Name: Carex verrucosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49637
Voucher: 49828
Carex verrucosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49637 49828
Scientific Name: Carex vexans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34895
Voucher: 34895
Carex vexans
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34895 34895
Scientific Name: Carica papaya
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34864
Carica papaya
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34864
Scientific Name: Carphephorus corymbosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Carphephorus corymbosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Carphephorus odoratissimus var. subtropicanus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40330
Voucher: 40330
Carphephorus odoratissimus var. subtropicanus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40330 40330
Scientific Name: Caryota mitis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 46313
Voucher: 48614
Caryota mitis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 46313 48614
Scientific Name: Cassytha filiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35037
Cassytha filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35037
Scientific Name: Casuarina equisetifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14701
Casuarina equisetifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14701
Scientific Name: Casuarina glauca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 14701
Casuarina glauca
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 14701
Scientific Name: Catharanthus roseus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14701
Catharanthus roseus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14701
Scientific Name: Catopsis berteroniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Catopsis berteroniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Catopsis floribunda
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Catopsis floribunda
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Catopsis nutans
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 49556
Catopsis nutans
Recorded as Present in Error 49556
Scientific Name: Celtis laevigata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Celtis laevigata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Cenchrus echinatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47685
Cenchrus echinatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 47685
Scientific Name: Cenchrus gracillimus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24247
Voucher: 47722
Cenchrus gracillimus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24247 47722
Scientific Name: Cenchrus incertus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34789
Cenchrus incertus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34789
Scientific Name: Centella asiatica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35028
Voucher: 49701
Centella asiatica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35028 49701
Scientific Name: Centrosema virginianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32223
Voucher: 49721
Centrosema virginianum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32223 49721
Scientific Name: Cephalanthus occidentalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27088
Voucher: 49659
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27088 49659
Scientific Name: Ceratophyllum demersum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34763
Voucher: 18186
Ceratophyllum demersum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34763 18186
Scientific Name: Ceratopteris thalictroides
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 11182
Ceratopteris thalictroides
Doubtfully Present 11182
Scientific Name: Cestrum diurnum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 49586
Voucher: 49586
Cestrum diurnum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 49586 49586
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista deeringiana
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Voucher: 48919
Chamaecrista deeringiana
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 14701 48919
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista fasciculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38283
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38283
Scientific Name: Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34867
Voucher: 49757
Chamaecrista nictitans var. aspera
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34867 49757
Scientific Name: Chaptalia tomentosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34854
Voucher: 3685
Chaptalia tomentosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34854 3685
Scientific Name: Chenopodium ambrosioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46289
Voucher: 49967
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46289 49967
Scientific Name: Chiococca alba
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34868
Chiococca alba
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34868
Scientific Name: Chiococca parvifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Voucher: 49733
Chiococca parvifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030 49733
Scientific Name: Chlorophytum comosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 40410
Chlorophytum comosum
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 40410
Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46281
Chromolaena odorata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46281
Scientific Name: Chrysobalanus icaco
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35021
Voucher: 49645
Chrysobalanus icaco
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35021 49645
Scientific Name: Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34867
Chrysophyllum oliviforme
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34867
Scientific Name: Chrysopogon pauciflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Chrysopogon pauciflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Chrysopsis mariana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38350
Voucher: 38350
Chrysopsis mariana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38350 38350
Scientific Name: Chrysopsis subulata
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 24047
Chrysopsis subulata
Recorded as Present in Error 24047
Scientific Name: Cirsium horridulum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 51002
Cirsium horridulum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 51002
Scientific Name: Cirsium nuttallii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34763
Cirsium nuttallii
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34763
Scientific Name: Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 49773
Cissus verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 49773
Scientific Name: Citharexylum spinosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 40347
Citharexylum spinosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 40347
Scientific Name: Citrus sinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48626
Citrus sinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 24047 48626
Scientific Name: Citrus x aurantiifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 37608
Voucher: 37608
Citrus x aurantiifolia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 37608 37608
Scientific Name: Citrus x aurantium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14701
Citrus x aurantium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14701
Scientific Name: Citrus x limon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14701
Citrus x limon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14701
Scientific Name: Citrus x paradisi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 14701
Citrus x paradisi
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 14701
Scientific Name: Cladium jamaicense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35034
Voucher: 49730
Cladium jamaicense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35034 49730
Scientific Name: Clematis baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 47140
Clematis baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 47140
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum chinense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 46463
Voucher: 46463
Clerodendrum chinense
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 46463 46463
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum indicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49628
Voucher: 50015
Clerodendrum indicum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49628 50015
Scientific Name: Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 24047
Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Doubtfully Present 24047
Scientific Name: Clitoria mariana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 18613
Voucher: 49707
Clitoria mariana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 18613 49707
Scientific Name: Cnidoscolus stimulosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24249
Voucher: 49694
Cnidoscolus stimulosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24249 49694
Scientific Name: Coccoloba diversifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 46159
Coccoloba diversifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 46159
Scientific Name: Coccoloba uvifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 34953
Coccoloba uvifera
Present Native Not Introduced Native Cultivated 34953
Scientific Name: Cocos nucifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46296
Cocos nucifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 46296
Scientific Name: Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46313
Voucher: 48623
Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 46313 48623
Scientific Name: Coelorachis rugosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38267
Voucher: 7629
Coelorachis rugosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38267 7629
Scientific Name: Colocasia esculenta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 32678
Colocasia esculenta
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 32678
Scientific Name: Colubrina arborescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Colubrina arborescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Commelina caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 47609
Voucher: 49839
Commelina caroliniana
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 47609 49839
Scientific Name: Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 37600
Voucher: 37600
Commelina diffusa var. diffusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 37600 37600
Scientific Name: Commelina erecta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32223
Commelina erecta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32223
Scientific Name: Conobea multifida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49980
Voucher: 49980
Conobea multifida
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49980 49980
Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 49599
Conocarpus erectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 49599
Scientific Name: Conoclinium coelestinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34861
Conoclinium coelestinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34861
Scientific Name: Conyza canadensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 27094
Voucher: 49763
Conyza canadensis
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 27094 49763
Scientific Name: Corchorus aestuans
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49999
Voucher: 49999
Corchorus aestuans
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49999 49999
Scientific Name: Corchorus hirtus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 15320
Corchorus hirtus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 15320
Scientific Name: Corchorus siliquosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34818
Voucher: 51025
Corchorus siliquosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34818 51025
Scientific Name: Coreopsis leavenworthii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34878
Voucher: 49710
Coreopsis leavenworthii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34878 49710
Scientific Name: Cornus foemina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35034
Cornus foemina
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35034
Scientific Name: Costus spicatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46675
Costus spicatus
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 46675
Scientific Name: Crassocephalum crepidioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49622
Voucher: 49836
Crassocephalum crepidioides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49622 49836
Scientific Name: Crinum americanum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35028
Voucher: 49761
Crinum americanum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35028 49761
Scientific Name: Crocanthemum corymbosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49618
Voucher: 49618
Crocanthemum corymbosum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49618 49618
Scientific Name: Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46232
Voucher: 49626
Crossopetalum ilicifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46232 49626
Scientific Name: Crotalaria lanceolata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46256
Voucher: 43011
Crotalaria lanceolata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46256 43011
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 32674
Voucher: 49738
Crotalaria pallida var. obovata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 32674 49738
Scientific Name: Crotalaria pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 49806
Crotalaria pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 49806
Scientific Name: Crotalaria rotundifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 49681
Crotalaria rotundifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 49681
Scientific Name: Crotalaria spectabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34872
Crotalaria spectabilis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34872
Scientific Name: Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35335
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35335
Scientific Name: Croton humilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 40399
Croton humilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 40399
Scientific Name: Ctenitis sloanei
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46320
Voucher: 42778
Ctenitis sloanei
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46320 42778
Scientific Name: Cuphea carthagenensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 40375
Cuphea carthagenensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 40375
Scientific Name: Cuscuta compacta
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49367
Voucher: 49367
Cuscuta compacta
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 49367 49367
Scientific Name: Cuscuta gronovii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50993
Voucher: 50993
Cuscuta gronovii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50993 50993
Scientific Name: Cuscuta pentagona
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46229
Voucher: 40383
Cuscuta pentagona
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46229 40383
Scientific Name: Cyanthillium cinereum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 43013
Voucher: 43013
Cyanthillium cinereum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 43013 43013
Scientific Name: Cyclopogon cranichoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46316
Voucher: 42775
Cyclopogon cranichoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46316 42775
Scientific Name: Cyclospermum leptophyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46278
Voucher: 40378
Cyclospermum leptophyllum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46278 40378
Scientific Name: Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 34853
Cynodon dactylon var. dactylon
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 34853
Scientific Name: Cynophalla flexuosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Cynophalla flexuosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Cyperus articulatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40388
Voucher: 40388
Cyperus articulatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40388 40388
Scientific Name: Cyperus compressus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34772
Cyperus compressus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34772
Scientific Name: Cyperus croceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34763
Cyperus croceus
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34763
Scientific Name: Cyperus distinctus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27092
Voucher: 46342
Cyperus distinctus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27092 46342
Scientific Name: Cyperus esculentus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 40411
Voucher: 49996
Cyperus esculentus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 40411 49996
Scientific Name: Cyperus flavescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34806
Voucher: 4594
Cyperus flavescens
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34806 4594
Scientific Name: Cyperus haspan
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 49690
Cyperus haspan
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 49690
Scientific Name: Cyperus involucratus
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48620
Cyperus involucratus
Assumed to be Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 24047 48620
Scientific Name: Cyperus iria
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50006
Voucher: 50006
Cyperus iria
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50006 50006
Scientific Name: Cyperus ligularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Cyperus ligularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Cyperus ochraceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 47609
Cyperus ochraceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 47609
Scientific Name: Cyperus odoratus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34853
Voucher: 4589
Cyperus odoratus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34853 4589
Scientific Name: Cyperus ovatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38253
Voucher: 38253
Cyperus ovatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38253 38253
Scientific Name: Cyperus planifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46294
Voucher: 49003
Cyperus planifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46294 49003
Scientific Name: Cyperus polystachyos
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38252
Voucher: 38252
Cyperus polystachyos
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38252 38252
Scientific Name: Cyperus prolifer
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Formerly Cultivated
Reference Number: 24047
Cyperus prolifer
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Formerly Cultivated 24047
Scientific Name: Cyperus pumilus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49978
Voucher: 49978
Cyperus pumilus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49978 49978
Scientific Name: Cyperus rotundus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49997
Voucher: 49997
Cyperus rotundus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49997 49997
Scientific Name: Cyperus sphacelatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 50011
Voucher: 50011
Cyperus sphacelatus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 50011 50011
Scientific Name: Cyperus squarrosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 51732
Cyperus squarrosus
Present Native Not Introduced Not Invasive 51732
Scientific Name: Cyperus strigosus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50014
Voucher: 50014
Cyperus strigosus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50014 50014
Scientific Name: Cyperus surinamensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34853
Voucher: 4583
Cyperus surinamensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34853 4583
Scientific Name: Cyperus tetragonus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35341
Voucher: 46168
Cyperus tetragonus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35341 46168
Scientific Name: Cypselea humifusa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 49963
Cypselea humifusa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 49963
Scientific Name: Cyrtopodium punctatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35039
Cyrtopodium punctatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35039
Scientific Name: Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 37577
Dactyloctenium aegyptium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 37577
Scientific Name: Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46294
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46294
Scientific Name: Dalbergia sissoo
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 14701
Dalbergia sissoo
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 14701
Scientific Name: Dalea carnea var. carnea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38309
Voucher: 3700
Dalea carnea var. carnea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38309 3700
Scientific Name: Dalea floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52199
Voucher: 16170
Dalea floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52199 16170
Scientific Name: Delonix regia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49655
Voucher: 49655
Delonix regia
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49655 49655
Scientific Name: Dendrophylax lindenii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 18393
Dendrophylax lindenii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 18393
Scientific Name: Dendrophylax porrectus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34767
Dendrophylax porrectus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34767
Scientific Name: Desmanthus virgatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50010
Voucher: 50010
Desmanthus virgatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50010 50010
Scientific Name: Desmodium floridanum
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 24047
Desmodium floridanum
Doubtfully Present 24047
Scientific Name: Desmodium mauritianum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 35023
Desmodium mauritianum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 35023
Scientific Name: Desmodium paniculatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35023
Voucher: 49585
Desmodium paniculatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35023 49585
Scientific Name: Desmodium scorpiurus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 51594
Desmodium scorpiurus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 51594
Scientific Name: Desmodium scorpiurus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Not Invasive
Reference Number: 51594
Desmodium scorpiurus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Not Invasive 51594
Scientific Name: Desmodium tortuosum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 35023
Desmodium tortuosum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 35023
Scientific Name: Desmodium triflorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34794
Desmodium triflorum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34794
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium aciculare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 49684
Dichanthelium aciculare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 49684
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 24047
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum
Recorded as Present in Error 24047
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium acuminatum var. longiligulatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46651
Voucher: 46651
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. longiligulatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46651 46651
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium commutatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35026
Voucher: 7394
Dichanthelium commutatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35026 7394
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium dichotomum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35037
Voucher: 46350
Dichanthelium dichotomum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35037 46350
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ensifolium var. breve
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40321
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. breve
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40321
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ensifolium var. ensifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 46660
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. ensifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 46660
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35041
Voucher: 49784
Dichanthelium ensifolium var. unciphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35041 49784
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium erectifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38262
Voucher: 38262
Dichanthelium erectifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38262 38262
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium laxiflorum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46695
Voucher: 46695
Dichanthelium laxiflorum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46695 46695
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium ovale
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46311
Voucher: 48705
Dichanthelium ovale
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46311 48705
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium portoricense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34861
Dichanthelium portoricense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34861
Scientific Name: Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 49685
Dichanthelium strigosum var. glabrescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 49685
Scientific Name: Dichanthium aristatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34799
Voucher: 49781
Dichanthium aristatum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34799 49781
Scientific Name: Dichondra carolinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35028
Voucher: 43003
Dichondra carolinensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35028 43003
Scientific Name: Dichondra micrantha
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 49176
Dichondra micrantha
Assumed to be Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 24047 49176
Scientific Name: Dicliptera sexangularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15318
Dicliptera sexangularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 15318
Scientific Name: Digitaria ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40342
Voucher: 40342
Digitaria ciliaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40342 40342
Scientific Name: Digitaria eriantha
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46299
Voucher: 46299
Digitaria eriantha
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46299 46299
Scientific Name: Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 48313
Voucher: 48313
Digitaria filiformis var. dolichophylla
Doubtfully Present 48313 48313
Scientific Name: Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34878
Voucher: 49709
Digitaria filiformis var. filiformis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34878 49709
Scientific Name: Digitaria longiflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46289
Voucher: 47780
Digitaria longiflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 46289 47780
Scientific Name: Digitaria pauciflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34946
Voucher: 49941
Digitaria pauciflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34946 49941
Scientific Name: Digitaria violascens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34806
Voucher: 46324
Digitaria violascens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34806 46324
Scientific Name: Diodia virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Diodia virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030
Scientific Name: Dioscorea bulbifera
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49765
Voucher: 49765
Dioscorea bulbifera
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49765 49765
Scientific Name: Dioscorea sansibarensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 5766
Voucher: 5766
Dioscorea sansibarensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 5766 5766
Scientific Name: Diospyros virginiana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 49736
Diospyros virginiana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 49736
Scientific Name: Distichlis spicata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46296
Voucher: 49958
Distichlis spicata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46296 49958
Scientific Name: Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34866
Voucher: 49742
Dodonaea viscosa var. angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34866 49742
Scientific Name: Dracaena marginata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 40410
Dracaena marginata
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 40410
Scientific Name: Drosera brevifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34819
Voucher: 3668
Drosera brevifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34819 3668
Scientific Name: Drosera capillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34861
Drosera capillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34861
Scientific Name: Drymaria cordata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35343
Voucher: 35343
Drymaria cordata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35343 35343
Scientific Name: Drypetes lateriflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34864
Drypetes lateriflora
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34864
Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34853
Dypsis lutescens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34853
Scientific Name: Dyschoriste angusta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35021
Voucher: 1795
Dyschoriste angusta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35021 1795
Scientific Name: Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32218
Voucher: 49797
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32218 49797
Scientific Name: Echinochloa colona
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 38378
Voucher: 38378
Echinochloa colona
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 38378 38378
Scientific Name: Echinochloa crus-galli
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24248
Voucher: 7638
Echinochloa crus-galli
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 24248 7638
Scientific Name: Echinochloa muricata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46674
Voucher: 35323
Echinochloa muricata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46674 35323
Scientific Name: Echinochloa paludigena
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49754
Voucher: 49754
Echinochloa paludigena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49754 49754
Scientific Name: Echinochloa walteri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34941
Voucher: 48820
Echinochloa walteri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34941 48820
Scientific Name: Echinodorus berteroi
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 18511
Voucher: 18511
Echinodorus berteroi
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 18511 18511
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34853
Voucher: 49755
Eclipta prostrata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34853 49755
Scientific Name: Eichhornia crassipes
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 32675
Eichhornia crassipes
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 32675
Scientific Name: Eleocharis albida
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48606
Eleocharis albida
Assumed to be Present Native Not Introduced Native 24047 48606
Scientific Name: Eleocharis atropurpurea
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 47730
Voucher: 47730
Eleocharis atropurpurea
Recorded as Present in Error 47730 47730
Scientific Name: Eleocharis baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32222
Voucher: 46332
Eleocharis baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32222 46332
Scientific Name: Eleocharis cellulosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38310
Voucher: 4600
Eleocharis cellulosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38310 4600
Scientific Name: Eleocharis elongata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 49041
Eleocharis elongata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24047 49041
Scientific Name: Eleocharis flavescens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 49007
Eleocharis flavescens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24047 49007
Scientific Name: Eleocharis geniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 38241
Eleocharis geniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 38241
Scientific Name: Eleocharis interstincta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49643
Voucher: 49643
Eleocharis interstincta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49643 49643
Scientific Name: Elephantopus carolinianus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 51065
Voucher: 54021
Elephantopus carolinianus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 51065 54021
Scientific Name: Elephantopus elatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37615
Voucher: 37615
Elephantopus elatus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37615 37615
Scientific Name: Eleusine indica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 37584
Voucher: 37584
Eleusine indica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 37584 37584
Scientific Name: Elionurus tripsacoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Voucher: 46642
Elionurus tripsacoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030 46642
Scientific Name: Elytraria caroliniensis var. angustifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38258
Voucher: 38258
Elytraria caroliniensis var. angustifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38258 38258
Scientific Name: Elytraria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 15255
Elytraria caroliniensis var. caroliniensis
Recorded as Present in Error 15255
Scientific Name: Emilia fosbergii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 35037
Voucher: 35329
Emilia fosbergii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Potentially Invasive 35037 35329
Scientific Name: Encyclia tampensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Voucher: 49704
Encyclia tampensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031 49704
Scientific Name: Epidendrum anceps
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35038
Epidendrum anceps
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35038
Scientific Name: Epidendrum floridense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14826
Epidendrum floridense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14826
Scientific Name: Epidendrum nocturnum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Epidendrum nocturnum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Epidendrum rigidum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 4607
Epidendrum rigidum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 4607
Scientific Name: Epipremnum pinnatum cv. Aureum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 40411
Epipremnum pinnatum cv. Aureum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 40411
Scientific Name: Equisetum hyemale var. affine
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48315
Equisetum hyemale var. affine
Possibly Extirpated Not Native, Naturalized Assumed to be Introduced Potentially Invasive 24047 48315
Scientific Name: Eragrostis atrovirens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34816
Voucher: 4580
Eragrostis atrovirens
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34816 4580
Scientific Name: Eragrostis bahiensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14701
Eragrostis bahiensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14701
Scientific Name: Eragrostis ciliaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34876
Voucher: 46279
Eragrostis ciliaris
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34876 46279
Scientific Name: Eragrostis elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 38229
Eragrostis elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 38229
Scientific Name: Eragrostis gangetica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49609
Voucher: 49609
Eragrostis gangetica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49609 49609
Scientific Name: Eragrostis hypnoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27092
Voucher: 49864
Eragrostis hypnoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27092 49864
Scientific Name: Eragrostis pectinacea var. tracyi
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 50020
Voucher: 50020
Eragrostis pectinacea var. tracyi
Present Native Not Introduced Native 50020 50020
Scientific Name: Eragrostis secundiflora subsp. oxylepis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 47595
Voucher: 47595
Eragrostis secundiflora subsp. oxylepis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 47595 47595
Scientific Name: Eragrostis spectabilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35333
Voucher: 35333
Eragrostis spectabilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35333 35333
Scientific Name: Eragrostis virginica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34765
Voucher: 49826
Eragrostis virginica
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34765 49826
Scientific Name: Erechtites hieraciifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Erechtites hieraciifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Eremochloa ophiuroides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 37593
Voucher: 37593
Eremochloa ophiuroides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 37593 37593
Scientific Name: Erigeron quercifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35026
Voucher: 50998
Erigeron quercifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35026 50998
Scientific Name: Erigeron vernus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32673
Voucher: 49624
Erigeron vernus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32673 49624
Scientific Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 5940
Voucher: 5940
Eriobotrya japonica
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 5940 5940
Scientific Name: Eriocaulon compressum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14570
Eriocaulon compressum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14570
Scientific Name: Eriocaulon decangulare
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38339
Eriocaulon decangulare
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38339
Scientific Name: Eriocaulon ravenelii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 46661
Eriocaulon ravenelii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 46661
Scientific Name: Eriochloa michauxii var. michauxii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 16671
Eriochloa michauxii var. michauxii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 16671
Scientific Name: Erucastrum gallicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14701
Erucastrum gallicum
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 14701
Scientific Name: Eryngium baldwinii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 63157
Eryngium baldwinii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 63157
Scientific Name: Eryngium yuccifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15315
Voucher: 49698
Eryngium yuccifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 15315 49698
Scientific Name: Erythrina herbacea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35037
Voucher: 49760
Erythrina herbacea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35037 49760
Scientific Name: Eugenia axillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35023
Voucher: 49656
Eugenia axillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35023 49656
Scientific Name: Eugenia foetida
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46296
Eugenia foetida
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46296
Scientific Name: Eugenia uniflora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34770
Eugenia uniflora
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34770
Scientific Name: Eulophia alta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34866
Voucher: 3681
Eulophia alta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34866 3681
Scientific Name: Eupatorium capillifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Eupatorium capillifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Eupatorium leptophyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 3689
Eupatorium leptophyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 3689
Scientific Name: Eupatorium mikanioides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38272
Eupatorium mikanioides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38272
Scientific Name: Eupatorium mohrii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38271
Voucher: 38271
Eupatorium mohrii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38271 38271
Scientific Name: Eupatorium rotundifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40332
Voucher: 40332
Eupatorium rotundifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40332 40332
Scientific Name: Eupatorium serotinum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35037
Voucher: 49719
Eupatorium serotinum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35037 49719
Scientific Name: Euphorbia blodgettii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 38251
Euphorbia blodgettii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 38251
Scientific Name: Euphorbia conferta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35326
Voucher: 35326
Euphorbia conferta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35326 35326
Scientific Name: Euphorbia cyathophora
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 43021
Voucher: 43021
Euphorbia cyathophora
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 43021 43021
Scientific Name: Euphorbia graminea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49629
Voucher: 47604
Euphorbia graminea
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 49629 47604
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hammeri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Voucher: 46645
Euphorbia hammeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030 46645
Scientific Name: Euphorbia heterophylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 46252
Voucher: 49988
Euphorbia heterophylla
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 46252 49988
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hirta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 37590
Voucher: 37590
Euphorbia hirta
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 37590 37590
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hypericifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34803
Euphorbia hypericifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34803
Scientific Name: Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34854
Euphorbia hyssopifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34854
Scientific Name: Euphorbia lasiocarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 22967
Euphorbia lasiocarpa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 24047 22967
Scientific Name: Euphorbia maculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 49612
Voucher: 49612
Euphorbia maculata
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 49612 49612
Scientific Name: Euphorbia mendezii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34872
Voucher: 49762
Euphorbia mendezii
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34872 49762
Scientific Name: Euphorbia ophthalmica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34818
Euphorbia ophthalmica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 34818
Scientific Name: Euphorbia pergamena
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Voucher: 2356
Euphorbia pergamena
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701 2356
Scientific Name: Euphorbia polyphylla
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35030
Euphorbia polyphylla
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35030
Scientific Name: Euphorbia thymifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 42777
Voucher: 42777
Euphorbia thymifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 42777 42777
Scientific Name: Eustachys glauca
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 49723
Eustachys glauca
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 49723
Scientific Name: Eustachys petraea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Eustachys petraea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Eustoma exaltatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Eustoma exaltatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Euthamia caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 49611
Euthamia caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 49611
Scientific Name: Euthamia graminifolia var. hirtipes
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 46306
Euthamia graminifolia var. hirtipes
Recorded as Present in Error 46306
Scientific Name: Evolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34924
Voucher: 34924
Evolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34924 34924
Scientific Name: Evolvulus sericeus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 47139
Evolvulus sericeus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 47139
Scientific Name: Exothea paniculata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Exothea paniculata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Ficus altissima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49555
Voucher: 49972
Ficus altissima
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49555 49972
Scientific Name: Ficus aurea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38304
Voucher: 49808
Ficus aurea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38304 49808
Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Cultivated Only
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Potentially Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 34853
Ficus benjamina
Present Not Native, Cultivated Only Not Introduced Potentially Invasive Cultivated 34853
Scientific Name: Ficus citrifolia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37632
Ficus citrifolia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37632
Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34853
Voucher: 49670
Ficus microcarpa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34853 49670
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis autumnalis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24249
Voucher: 4590
Fimbristylis autumnalis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 24249 4590
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Fimbristylis caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis cymosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 37591
Voucher: 37591
Fimbristylis cymosa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 37591 37591
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis dichotoma
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40339
Voucher: 40339
Fimbristylis dichotoma
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40339 40339
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis littoralis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 38360
Voucher: 38360
Fimbristylis littoralis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 38360 38360
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis schoenoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 4597
Voucher: 4957
Fimbristylis schoenoides
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 4597 4957
Scientific Name: Fimbristylis spadicea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Fimbristylis spadicea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031
Scientific Name: Flaveria linearis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37630
Voucher: 37630
Flaveria linearis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37630 37630
Scientific Name: Forestiera segregata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35023
Forestiera segregata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35023
Scientific Name: Fraxinus caroliniana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38297
Fraxinus caroliniana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38297
Scientific Name: Froelichia floridana
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 0
Froelichia floridana
Doubtfully Present 0
Scientific Name: Fuirena breviseta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38260
Voucher: 38260
Fuirena breviseta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38260 38260
Scientific Name: Fuirena pumila
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14570
Fuirena pumila
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14570
Scientific Name: Fuirena scirpoidea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37628
Voucher: 37628
Fuirena scirpoidea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37628 37628
Scientific Name: Funastrum clausum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 7049
Funastrum clausum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 7049
Scientific Name: Furcraea selloa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 11691
Furcraea selloa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 11691
Scientific Name: Galactia elliottii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Voucher: 49680
Galactia elliottii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701 49680
Scientific Name: Galactia floridana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46223
Galactia floridana
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46223
Scientific Name: Galactia regularis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46210
Voucher: 49633
Galactia regularis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46210 49633
Scientific Name: Galactia striata
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 43006
Galactia striata
Doubtfully Present 35029 43006
Scientific Name: Galactia volubilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35029
Voucher: 49601
Galactia volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35029 49601
Scientific Name: Galium bermudense
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32676
Voucher: 49603
Galium bermudense
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32676 49603
Scientific Name: Galium tinctorium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40393
Voucher: 40393
Galium tinctorium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40393 40393
Scientific Name: Gamochaeta antillana
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 24248
Voucher: 49800
Gamochaeta antillana
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 24248 49800
Scientific Name: Gamochaeta pensylvanica
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14701
Voucher: 49610
Gamochaeta pensylvanica
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14701 49610
Scientific Name: Gamochaeta purpurea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 14701
Gamochaeta purpurea
Present Native Not Introduced Ruderal 14701
Scientific Name: Glandularia maritima
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 52711
Voucher: 52711
Glandularia maritima
Present Native Not Introduced Native 52711 52711
Scientific Name: Glandularia tampensis
Occurrence: Recorded as Present in Error
Reference Number: 14592
Glandularia tampensis
Recorded as Present in Error 14592
Scientific Name: Gomphrena serrata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 15318
Voucher: 49553
Gomphrena serrata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 15318 49553
Scientific Name: Gossypium hirsutum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 46294
Gossypium hirsutum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 46294
Scientific Name: Gouania lupuloides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 15315
Gouania lupuloides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 15315
Scientific Name: Gratiola pilosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38347
Voucher: 38347
Gratiola pilosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38347 38347
Scientific Name: Gratiola ramosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 7390
Gratiola ramosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 7390
Scientific Name: Grevillea robusta
Occurrence: Assumed to be Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 48612
Grevillea robusta
Assumed to be Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 24047 48612
Scientific Name: Guzmania monostachia
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Guzmania monostachia
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Gymnopogon brevifolius
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 3702
Voucher: 3702
Gymnopogon brevifolius
Present Native Not Introduced Native 3702 3702
Scientific Name: Gymnopogon chapmanianus
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 24047
Voucher: 22973
Gymnopogon chapmanianus
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native 24047 22973
Scientific Name: Habenaria floribunda
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Habenaria floribunda
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Habenaria nivea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37635
Voucher: 37635
Habenaria nivea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37635 37635
Scientific Name: Habenaria quinqueseta
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34807
Habenaria quinqueseta
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34807
Scientific Name: Habenaria repens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 49581
Voucher: 49581
Habenaria repens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 49581 49581
Scientific Name: Hamelia patens var. patens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34770
Voucher: 49661
Hamelia patens var. patens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34770 49661
Scientific Name: Hedychium coronarium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46675
Hedychium coronarium
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal Cultivated 46675
Scientific Name: Helenium amarum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34780
Voucher: 46197
Helenium amarum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34780 46197
Scientific Name: Helenium pinnatifidum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 4163
Helenium pinnatifidum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 4163
Scientific Name: Helianthus angustifolius
Occurrence: Reported
Reference Number: 49555
Voucher: 49162
Helianthus angustifolius
Reported 49555 49162
Scientific Name: Helianthus annuus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 47682
Helianthus annuus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 47682
Scientific Name: Helianthus radula
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 32223
Voucher: 49576
Helianthus radula
Present Native Not Introduced Native 32223 49576
Scientific Name: Heliotropium angiospermum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40345
Voucher: 40345
Heliotropium angiospermum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40345 40345
Scientific Name: Heliotropium curassavicum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 43014
Voucher: 43014
Heliotropium curassavicum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 43014 43014
Scientific Name: Heliotropium polyphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Heliotropium polyphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865
Scientific Name: Heteropogon contortus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Doubtfully Native
Introduced Status: Assumed to be Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34815
Voucher: 46187
Heteropogon contortus
Present Doubtfully Native Assumed to be Introduced Ruderal 34815 46187
Scientific Name: Heteropogon melanocarpus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Heteropogon melanocarpus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Heterotaxis sessilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 11870
Heterotaxis sessilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 11870
Scientific Name: Heterotheca subaxillaris
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40320
Voucher: 49140
Heterotheca subaxillaris
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40320 49140
Scientific Name: Hibiscus grandiflorus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Voucher: 34901
Hibiscus grandiflorus
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022 34901
Scientific Name: Hibiscus poeppigii
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40371
Voucher: 40371
Hibiscus poeppigii
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40371 40371
Scientific Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46256
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 46256
Scientific Name: Hibiscus schizopetalus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Cultivated Only
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 49629
Voucher: 49232
Hibiscus schizopetalus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Cultivated Only Cultivated 49629 49232
Scientific Name: Hibiscus tiliaceus var. tiliaceus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 46294
Voucher: 48641
Hibiscus tiliaceus var. tiliaceus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive Cultivated 46294 48641
Scientific Name: Hieracium megacephalon
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35003
Hieracium megacephalon
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35003
Scientific Name: Hippocratea volubilis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35031
Hippocratea volubilis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35031
Scientific Name: Houstonia procumbens
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35027
Voucher: 46662
Houstonia procumbens
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35027 46662
Scientific Name: Huperzia dichotoma
Occurrence: Doubtfully Present
Reference Number: 15948
Voucher: 15948
Huperzia dichotoma
Doubtfully Present 15948 15948
Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 34816
Voucher: 4610
Hydrilla verticillata
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 34816 4610
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle bonariensis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 14701
Hydrocotyle bonariensis
Present Native Not Introduced Native 14701
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 54190
Voucher: 54190
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 54190 54190
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle umbellata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34853
Hydrocotyle umbellata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34853
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35040
Hydrocotyle verticillata var. verticillata
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35040
Scientific Name: Hydrocotyle verticillata var. triradiata
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 47813
Voucher: 47813
Hydrocotyle verticillata var. triradiata
Present Native Introduced Native 47813 47813
Scientific Name: Hydrolea corymbosa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37633
Voucher: 37633
Hydrolea corymbosa
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37633 37633
Scientific Name: Hylocereus undatus
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Cultivated Status: Cultivated
Reference Number: 49629
Hylocereus undatus
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal Cultivated 49629
Scientific Name: Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Invasive
Reference Number: 49584
Voucher: 49584
Hymenachne amplexicaulis
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Invasive 49584 49584
Scientific Name: Hymenocallis palmeri
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35022
Hymenocallis palmeri
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35022
Scientific Name: Hyparrhenia rufa
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Not Native, Naturalized
Introduced Status: Introduced
Invasive Status: Ruderal
Reference Number: 34876
Voucher: 3709
Hyparrhenia rufa
Present Not Native, Naturalized Introduced Ruderal 34876 3709
Scientific Name: Hypericum brachyphyllum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 35041
Voucher: 49795
Hypericum brachyphyllum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 35041 49795
Scientific Name: Hypericum cistifolium
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 37631
Voucher: 37631
Hypericum cistifolium
Present Native Not Introduced Native 37631 37631
Scientific Name: Hypericum crux-andreae
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 27104
Voucher: 49799
Hypericum crux-andreae
Present Native Not Introduced Native 27104 49799
Scientific Name: Hypericum fasciculatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 38342
Voucher: 38342
Hypericum fasciculatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 38342 38342
Scientific Name: Hypericum hypericoides
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34865
Voucher: 49748
Hypericum hypericoides
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34865 49748
Scientific Name: Hypericum mutilum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40315
Voucher: 49605
Hypericum mutilum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40315 49605
Scientific Name: Hypericum punctatum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 40315
Voucher: 49604
Hypericum punctatum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 40315 49604
Scientific Name: Hypericum tetrapetalum
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34867
Voucher: 49746
Hypericum tetrapetalum
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34867 49746
Scientific Name: Hypoxis juncea
Occurrence: Present
Native Status: Native
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 34876
Hypoxis juncea
Present Native Not Introduced Native 34876
Scientific Name: Hypoxis wrightii
Occurrence: Possibly Extirpated
Native Status: Possibly Extirpated
Introduced Status: Not Introduced
Invasive Status: Native
Reference Number: 1479
Voucher: 46369
Hypoxis wrightii
Possibly Extirpated Possibly Extirpated Not Introduced Native