Natives For Your Neighborhood Florida Statewide Plant List Plants in Monroe (MainLand County
Below is a list of cultivated native plants for this ZIP code. These plants, all within their natural range in this geographic area, are appropriate for use in landscaping here. By planting these native species, you can not only create a low-maintenance and sustainable landscape to enjoy, but you will also increase your contribution to the conservation and restoration of Florida’s environment. (For more on this, click here.)
To take gardening with natives a step further, you can learn about the native plant habitats that are appropriate for your area (click the back button to view a list of those habitats where available). As of 2022, these lists are available for South Florida, and for some coastal upland ecosystems along the east coast. Where available, you can choose a habitat, and view a list of plants for that specific habitat or native ecosystem. This way, you can try your hand at restoring a native plant ecosystem in your yard or at a project site. Habitat lists also include some hard to grow natives and natives with narrow habitat requirements, such as strictly coastal or rare species, that may not be included on your main zip code list. To view detailed information, including the horticultural requirements and landscaping uses of the plants as well as photos for most species, click on any plant name.
Shrubs and Woody Groundcovers
Major Sponsor:
Emergent Sponsors:
Canopy Sponsors:
Herbaceous Sponsors:
Jay Bird - @BotanizingBirdingButterflies
Florida Native Plant Nursery